Publications (5741)
Estimation of Soil Hydrodynamic Parameters Related to Agricultural Practices – Case of Tougou Experimental Site (Burkina Faso).
Dial Niang, Mahamadou Koïta, Amadou Keita, Medogbe Christelle Manuela Houndayi, Cheick Oumar Zoure and Amagana Emmanuel Dara
This study aims to estimate the hydrodynamic properties of soils under various agricultural practices in the Tougou catchment in northern Burkina Faso. The methodology adopted is based on the determination of the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity and capillary sorptivity close to saturation. This method relies on the measurement of the transi(...)
Agricultural practice, unsaturated hydraulic conductivity, sorptivity, soil, Tougou
P. Florent KIENO and Alfred BAYALA.
We hereby present a study on heat and mass transfer between free surface water and the atmosphere in Burkina Faso. We preferentially chose the city of Ouagadougou to conduct this study. One of the major problems in studying evaporation is how to determine water surface temperature and the flow of water evaporated. We calculated this surface te(...)
Evaporation, Thermal transfer, energy balance
Production capacity, marketing circuit and consumption of zoom-koom sold in the city of Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso
94. SOMA MASSIEKE Adama Abdoul Razaak, Fidèle Wend-bénédo TAPSOBA, Donatien KABORE, Issaka SEOGO2, Abel TANKOANO, Mamoudou H. DICKO, Aboubacar TOGUYENI1 et Hagrétou SAWADOGO-LINGANI
The processing of cereals such as millet and sorghum in zoom-koom does not always combine good
hygiene and manufacturing practices (GHP / GMP). The main objective of the present study is to identify the
constraints and benefits associated with the production, consumption and commercialization of zoom-koom.
The study was conducted in the cit(...)
Zoom-koom, production, transformation, commercialisation
G-Cloud: Opportunities and Security Challenges for Burkina Faso
Didier Bassole, Frédéric T Ouedraogo, Oumarou Sie
In this paper, we try to clearly outline the opportunities of cloud computing in the context of developing countries, while helping stakeholders grasp the challenges ahead. In particular, we consider the case of the G-Cloud project engaged by the government of Burkina Faso to boost the ICT economy, improve administration-citizen relations, and(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Thermodynamic Quasi-Equilibrium Model for the Energetic Performances Analysis of the Air and Air–Steam Gasification of Raw and Pretreated Cotton Stalks by Torrefaction and Carbonization
Harouna Gado Ibrahim, Oumar Sanogo, Tizane Daho, Salifou K. Ouiminga, Jean Koulidiati
Numerical and experimental study of the gasifi- cation of raw and pretreated (torrefied and carbonized) cot- ton stalks were investigated. The experimental results were used to calibrate the quasi-equilibrium model by multiplying the equilibrium reaction constant with coefficient varying from 0.01 to 10 and by fixing the methane molar fraction(...)
Equilibrium model, Cotton stalks, Pretreatment, Energy efficiency
Thermodynamic Quasi-Equilibrium Model for the Energetic Performances Analysis of the Air and Air–Steam Gasification of Raw and Pretreated Cotton Stalks by Torrefaction and Carbonization
Harouna Gado Ibrahim, Oumar Sanogo, Tizane Daho, Salifou K. Ouiminga, Jean Koulidiati
Numerical and experimental study of the gasification of raw and pretreated (torrefied and carbonized) cotton stalks were investigated. The experimental results were used to calibrate the quasi-equilibrium model by multiplying the equilibrium reaction constant with coefficient varying from 0.01 to 10 and by fixing the methane molar fraction. Va(...)
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« Bible Translation and Feminism in Burkina Faso: Some Reflections Drawn from the Dioula and Mooré Biblical Versions »
This paper considers translation as the reflection of norms, and culture as a mandominated frame in which occur daily interactions. Hence, any culture-based translation process in a man-dominated frame tends to replicate or deepen women‘s inferior image. Taking for granted women's inferiority in Burkinabe patriarchal society, this paper exami(...)
Translation - Bible – Feminism - Culture – Dioula – Mooré
Didactique de la littérature dans l’enseignement de l’anglais au Burkina : Etude comparée de trois manuels scolaires,
André Kaboré
C~ e parl d' une ubservntion: lu haissr Ile nhe:•u des
CS tl étudiunts en anglnis «rit nu Burkina f3so. Dans la ch~rch e
des solutions. nous émettons l'hypmhtse que ln dtdactiQIC' app il
Didactique, manuel, littérature
« Differentiating African and Western Feminisms through Room Symbolism »
André Kaboré
The current study is a comparative analysis of the room symbolism in some Western and African feminist writings, such as Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own, Monique Ilboudo’s ‘Le féminisme au Burkina Faso: mythes et réalités?’, and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s We Should all be Feminists. Thus, this paper tries to shed light on these female wri(...)
Feminism, Room, Interpretative Community, Westernization, Gender Identity
Molecular characterization of virus isolates from genus Potyvirus infecting Vigna subterranea in Burkina Faso
Konate M. N.., Ouedraogo M., Neya B. J., Bangratz M., Palanga E., Nandkangre H., Ouoba A., Nanema R., Sawadogo N., Sawadogo M.
Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea) is an African legume with a great nutritional, economic and social potential. However, one of the main constraints to this crop is viral diseases which reduced yields. Indeed, approximately 12 viruses have been reported to infect bambara groundnut. Among these, only four were reported from Burkina Faso, na(...)
Bambara groundnut, cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus (CABMV), bean common mosaic virus strain-blackeye cowpea mosaic (BCMV-BlCM), double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DAS-ELISA), reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)
Effet des apports organiques et phosphates sur la nodulation, l’exportation de nutriments et les rendements du niébé associe au sorgho : cas de la région nord du Burkina Faso.
Daouda GUEBRE, Mohamed Traoré, Koulibi Fidèle Zongo et Edmond Hien
Les sols de la zone soudano-sahélienne sont généralement déficients en éléments nutritifs essentiels notamment en azote et en phosphore. Cela se traduit par une baisse progressive des rendements. Pour des raisons généralement alimentaire et économique, des associations céréales-légumineuses sont pratiquées dans la région Nord du Burkina Faso.(...)
sols, apports organiques, phosphate naturel, nodulation, nutriments, Rendements, niébé, sorgho
Essential Oils as an Alternative to Pyrethroids’ Resistance against Anopheles Species Complex Giles (Diptera: Culicidae)
Widespread resistance of Anopheles sp. populations to pyrethroid insecticides has led to the
search for sustainable alternatives in the plant kingdom. Among many botanicals, there is great
interest in essential oils and their constituents. Many researchers have explored essential oils
(EOs) to determine their toxicity and identify repell(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Essential Oils as an Alternative to Pyrethroids’ Resistance against Anopheles Species Complex Giles (Diptera: Culicidae)
Olivier Gnankiné and Imaël Henri Nestor Bassolé
Widespread resistance of Anopheles sp. populations to pyrethroid insecticides has led to the search for sustainable alternatives in the plant kingdom. Among many botanicals, there is great interest in essential oils and their constituents. Many researchers have explored essential oils (EOs) to determine their toxicity and identify repellent m(...)
essential oils; Anopheles sp.; insecticides; repellent; pyrethroid resistance
Characterization of Diarrheagenic Escherichia coli Isolated in OrganicWaste Products (Cattle Fecal Matter, Manure and, Slurry) from Cattle’s Markets in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Evariste Bako, Assèta Kagambèga, Kuan Abdoulaye Traore, Touwendsida Serge Bagre, Hadiza Bawa Ibrahim, Soutongnooma Caroline Bouda, Isidore Juste Ouindgueta Bonkoungou, Saidou Kaboré, Cheikna Zongo, Alfred Sababenejo Traore and Nicolas Barro
Cattle farming can promote diarrheal disease transmission through waste, effluents or cattle fecal matter. The study aims to characterize the diarrheagenic Escherichia coli (DEC) isolated from cattle feces, manure in the composting process and slurry, collected from four cattle markets in Ouagadougou. A total of 585 samples (340 cattle feces,(...)
Manure, cattle fecal matter, STEC, ETEC, EAEC, slurries, cattle market, diarrheal diseases, environment sanitation, public health
Les perceptions économiques de non adoption des variétés de semences améliorées dans la commune de Banfora
FAYAMA Tionyélé et MAIGA Alkassoum
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