Publications (109)
Caractéristiques morpho-pédologiques et potentialités agricoles de sols développés sur roches dolomitiques dans le bassin de Taoudéni au Burkina Faso Morpho-pedological characteristics and agricultural potentialities of soils developed on dolomitic rocks in the Taoudeni basin in Burkina Faso
Fidèle KABORE,Edmond HIEN, Tockville B. MARE, Korodjouma OUATTARA, Prosper N. ZOMBRE
Dans l'Ouest du Burkina Faso ont été identifiés des sols développés sur des dolomies. L'absence d'étude pédologique antérieure dans la région, traitant de l'implication géochimique des roches dolomitiques sur les propriétés de ces sols, a conduit à la réalisation d'une étude morpho-pédologique. Celle-ci avait pour objectif d'évaluer l'impact d(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Relation longueur-poids et facteur de condition de sept espèces de poisson du réservoir de Samandeni avant son ouverture à la pêche (Burkina Faso).
Mahamoudou MINOUNGOU, Raymond OUEDRAOGO, Nomwine DA, Adama OUEDA
Objectif : Fournir les premières données sur l’ichtyofaune du réservoir de Samandeni avant son ouverture à la pêche à travers l’étude de la relation longueur-poids et de facteur de condition de sept espèces dominantes dudit réservoir.
Méthodologie et résultats : Les poissons ont été collectés entre avril 2018 et janvier 2019 à travers des pê(...)
ichtyofaune, relation longueur-poids, facteur de condition, réservoir de Samandeni, Burkina Faso
Perceptions paysannes de la dégradation des ressources naturelles des bas-fonds en zone soudano-sahélienne: cas du sous bassin versant du Nakanbé-Dem au Burkina Faso
Adama ILBOUDO 1* , Soungalo SOULAMA 2 , Edmond HIEN 1 et Prosper ZOMBRE 1
Le Sahel burkinabé est caractérisé par une forte dégradation des ressources naturelles. Cette régression
est imputable à des facteurs naturels et anthropiques. La présente étude concerne les bas-fonds du sous bassin
versant du Nakanbé-Dem situé dans la limite australe du Sahel. Dans cette zone dominée par l'agriculture
pluviale et(...)
Indicateurs endogènes ; dégradation des bas-fonds ; perceptions ; bassin versant
Scenario-modelling for the sustainable management of non-timber forest products in tropical ecosystems
Loyapin Bondé, Julia Camara Assis, Sandra Benavides-Gordillo, Erendira Canales-Gomez, Javier Fajardo, Aurora Marrón-Becerra, Elkin A. Noguera-Urbano, Emanuela W. A. Weidlich, Judith M. Ament
Ecosystems degradation, and consequently biodiversity loss, has severe impacts on people around the world. The Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is one of the international initiatives that have emerged to inform policy makers and aid decisions to prevent further global biodiversity loss, focusing on the(...)
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, Conceptual model, Drivers of Change, Shea tree, Tropical tree species
Breeding objectives and practices in three local cattle breed production systems in Burkina Faso with implication for the design of breeding programs
Dominique Ouédraogo, Albert Soudré, Salifou Ouédraogo-Koné, Bienvenue Lassina Zoma, Bernadette Yougbaré, Negar Khayatzadeh, Pamela Anna Burger, Gábor Mészáros, Amadou Traoré, Okeyo Ally Mwai, Maria Wurzinger, Johann Sölkner
Understanding characteristics of production systems and identification of specific preferred traits related to breeding objectives is a first important step to the successful implementation of any breeding program. This study was conducted in the South West of Burkina Faso, the traditional habitat of trypanotolerant Baoulé cattle, to identify(...)
Cattle, Trait preference Breeding
Trees in African drylands can promote deep soil and groundwater recharge in a future climate with more intense rainfall
Aida Bargués‐Tobella, Niles J Hasselquist, Hugues R Bazié, Jules Bayala, Hjalmar Laudon, Ulrik Ilstedt
Tropical regions are likely to experience more intense rainfall events in the future.
Such an increase in rainfall intensities will affect soil and groundwater recharge, with
potential consequences for millions of people. However, little is known about the
impact of tree cover on soil and groundwater recharge under higher rainfall intensiti(...)
drylands, groundwater recharge, intense rainfall, macropores, tree cover
Soil Moisture Monitoring of Agricultural Fields in Burkina Faso Using Dual Polarized Sentinel-1a Data
Y. Miura; L. E. B. Eriksson; M. Ostwald; M. Karlson; H. R. Bazié; M. J. Soja; J. Sanou; J. Bayala and H. Reese
We investigated the correlation between backscatter and soil moisture considering precipitation and crop effects using dual polarized Sentinel-1A data. The analyzed data consist of a time-series of 38 Sentinel-1A GRD images acquired on a 12-days repeat cycle from July 2017 to October 2018 over Sapone in Burkina Faso. We show that the temporal(...)
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Effet des amendements à base de résidus de Piliostigma reticulatum enrichi en différentes sources d'azote sur le cycle des nutriments et la productivité des sols en Afrique subsahélienne.
Daouda GUEBRE, Salifou Traoré, Der Somé, André B. Bationo, Edmond Hien
La dégradation des sols constitue une grave menace pour la sécurité alimentaire et
la lutte contre la pauvreté des populations en Afrique subsahélienne.
L’agroécologie apparaît comme une alternative viable pour relever le défi de la
durabilité des systèmes agricoles. Cependant, cette pratique accroit les besoins
azotés des microorganismes(...)
Amendements ligneux, Piliostigma reticulatum, Sources azotées, COS
ssessment of bambara groundnut landraces for resistance to Cowpea aphid borne mosaic virus
N’Golo Moussa KONATE, Adjima OUOBA, Hervé NANDKANGRE, Essowè PALANGA, Théodore OUEDRAOGO, Mahama OUEDRAOGO and Mahamadou SAWADOGO
Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea) is an important seed legume in Burkina Faso. It provides a
well-balanced diet and many other benefits for populations, especially in rural areas. Despite all these
advantages, bambara groundnut cultivation remains subject to many constraints. One of the most important of
them is viral diseases. This stu(...)
Vigna subterranea, Burkina Faso, CABMV, viral diseases
Microbial and nutrient cyclingresponses to termite and earthworm activities in soils amended with Piliostigma reticulatum plant residue in the Sahel
Daouda GUEBRE, Salifou Traore, Mamadou Traore, Nicola Lorenz , Edmond Hien, Richard P. Dick
Soil biodiversity is essential for sustainable crop productivity in agroecosystems by performing
various functions which regulate soil processes and nutrient cycling. Termites and earthworms
are the main group of invertebrates in the Sahel West Africa having significant effects on
ecosystem services. The objective was to determine whether t(...)
Biogenic structure, Earthworm cast, Microbial composition, Termite sheeting, Soil biodiversity
Participatory methods for sustainable management of Shea trees in Burkina Faso
Bazié Hugues Roméo
Charters have facilitated the involvement of key
stakeholders, including policy- and community
decision-makers and helped find better ways
to manage a natural resource sustainably. This
brief has described the charter process with the
example of Shea trees in Burkina Faso.
The charters reinforce the involvement of
the customary manageme(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Regenerated trees in farmers’ fields increase soil carbon across the Sahel
Jules Bayala, J Sanou, HR Bazié, R Coe, A Kalinganire, Fergus L Sinclair
In the current debate on the role of
increase soil carbon in addressing both climate change
and food security, there is consensus that farmed lands
have the higher potential provided the best management
practices are implemented. In the Sahel where
farms usually have few sparse old trees with declining
soil fertility, there is an ongoing(...)
FMNR Parkland Re-greening Restoration Soil fertility Trees
To What Extent Do Tree Size, Climate and Land Use Influence the Fruit Production of Balanites aegyptiaca (L) Delile in Tropical Areas (Burkina Faso)?
Sambo Ouedraogo, Loyapin Bonde, Oumarou Ouedraogo, Amadé Ouedraogo, Adjima Thiombiano, Issaka Joseph Boussim
Climatic aridity and human pressure are factors responsible for the dynamics of species populations in West Africa savannas ecosystems, causing significant effects on their productivity. This study aimed to determine the factors that affect Balanites aegyptiaca fruit production in order to contribute to the control of the species management. D(...)
Burkina Faso, Non timber forest products, dendrometric parameters, semi-arid area, nondestructive method
Impact of environmental conditions on fruit production patterns of shea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa C.F.Gaertn) in West Africa
Loyapin Bondé, Oumarou Ouédraogo, Salifou Traoré, Adjima Thiombiano, Joseph I. Boussim
A better knowledge of the impact of environmental conditions on shea tree’s fruit production is critical to improve the species management. Fruit production of 237 shea trees was monitored over five successive years (2014–2018) to understand how climatic variables, shea tree population and land use could affect fruit production patterns of the(...)
Burkina Faso, climate change, fruit production, land use, shea tree population
Molecular characterization of the main fungi associated to Bambara groundnut foliar diseases in Burkina Faso
Adjima Ouoba, Elisabeth P. Zida, Romain Soalla, Martine Bangratz, Palanga Essowè, Moussa N’Golo Konaté, Hervé Nandkangré , Mahama Ouédraogo and Mahamadou Sawadogo
Objective: This study aims to update the database of fungi associated to Bambara groundnut foliar
diseases in Burkina Faso using both molecular and morphological identification approaches.
Methodology and Results: In this study, molecular approach based on the sequencing of ITS (Internal
Transcripted Spacer) region of fungi and morphologica(...)
Bambara groundnut, fungi, molecular characterization, PCR primer ITS1/ITS4