Publications récentes
Efficiency of Two Laterites in Cyanide Removal from Aqueous Solutions: Equilibrium and Kinetic Studies
Djakaridja Sory, Yacouba Sanou, Raymond Kaboré, Samuel ParéIn the dynamic of drinking water supply in rural populations, water pollution by cyanide is one of challenges that impacts the process in the mining areas of Burkina Faso. The objective of this work was to assess the efficiency of laterite soils to remove cyanide from water. To do this, two laterites were prepared and characterized by spectroscopic and analytical techniques to serve as adsorbent. The cyanide removal was carried out using batch experiments with cyanide aqueous solutions. The characterization of laterites using analytical techniques showed a specific surface area of 42.39 and 24.55 m2.g-1. The crystalline phases were mainly kaolinite, goethite, hematite, quartz, and alumina. The optimization of the operating parameters indicated a strong influence of operating conditions on the adsorption process. Indeed, the optimum stirring speed was 150 rpm corresponding to an adsorption capacity of 0.14 and 0.34 mg/g using raw (LB) and treated (LT) laterites, respectively. By assessing the influence of the contact time, the adsorption capacities were 0.35 and 0.19 mg.g-1 at 40 and 75 min respectively using LT and LB corresponding to a treatment rate of 53% and 28%. The optimal doses were 28 and 45 g.L-1 at the optimal temperature of 30°C using LB and LT. Results concluded the efficiency of treated laterite comparatively to the raw laterite. The isotherm modelling concluded on Freundlich isotherm indicating a multilayer adsorption following a pseudo-second order kinetic. Therefore, these laterites would be good filters for the treatment of cyanide enriched waters and other heavy metals in dynamic experiments.
Self-medication in the internet era in the city of Ouagadougou: a survey conducted with pharmaceutical pharmacies
YAMEOGO Relwendé Aristide, N Léonel Ulrich BERE, Patrice ZABSONRE, Nicolas MEDAIntroduction : L’automédication est une pratique courante dans la ville de Ouagadougou et est facilitée par un accès croissant à l’information par le biais d’internet ou des réseaux sociaux.
Méthodes : il s’est agi d’une étude transversale menée dans les officines de la ville de Ouagadougou du 1er juin au 31 octobre 2023. Trente officines ont été tirées de manières aléatoire pour la collecte des données. Les patients pratiquant l’automédication étaient enquêtés. es données ont été recueillies au moyen de questionnaires électroniques via le logiciel KoboToolbox. Un modèle de régression logistique a été utilisé pour identifier les facteurs associés à la pratique de l’automédication par Internet.
Résultats : Nous avons recueilli des données auprès de 697 personnes. Cinq cents personnes (n=500) sur les 658 qui ont utilisé Internet, soit 75,98 %, ont admis avoir déjà cherché des informations sur la santé sur Internet. Le taux d’automédication par Internet était de 55,20 % (n=385). L’âge moyen pour l’automédication par Internet était de 29,95 9,6 ans [18 ans - 70 ans], avec un ratio de sexe de 1,21. L’automédication par Internet a été notée chez les personnes ayant un niveau d’éducation plus élevé dans 65% des cas. Le modèle de régression logistique final a montré que le manque d’accès aux professionnels de santé, les temps d’attente insupportables dans les maternités et le coût élevé des consultations et des médicaments prescrits étaient des facteurs associés à la pratique de l’automédication par internet.
Conclusion : Nos résultats montrent la nécessité de mettre en œuvre des stratégies pour améliorer la qualité des soins et de faciliter l’accès à des sources de données fiables pour les populations
Contribution to the Study of the Influence of the Experimental Set-Up on the Vaporization Process of Vegetable Oil Droplets
Sampawinde Augustin Zongo, Jacques Nébié, Téré Dabilgou, Soutongnoma Bouda, Tizane DahoThis study presents a contribution to the development of a model for vegetable oil droplets vaporization, with a particular focus on the influence of the experimental set-up for their use as fuel in diesel engines. Two systems were considered: an open-environment system obtained through a hot gas flow, and a closed-environment system. Vaporization was conducted under identical conditions, with the results subsequently compared. The findings indicate that, for temperatures between 473 K and 673 K, droplets behaviour in both systems presents only a heating and expansion phase. For temperatures above 673 K, the behaviour of the droplets differs between the devices. In the open environment device, a linear reduction in droplets diameter is observed following the transient phase, suggesting stationary vaporization and enabling the calculation of a vaporization constant and the well-known D 2 law is respected. In the closed-environment device, puffing, micro-explosions and gas ejections are observed, and it is not possible to determine vaporization constant and D 2 law is not respected. The results demonstrate the necessity of developing a model for the thermal decomposition of vegetable oil before attempting to create a model for the vaporization of these oils. In order to achieve this, it is essential to construct an experimental setup that more closely emulates the real conditions within the combustion chamber of a diesel engine, taking into account the variables of pressure, temperature and the heating process.
Malina VISTERNICU, Viorica RARINCA, Ionel MIRON, Fatima Zahra KAMAL, Samson GUENNE, Alin CIOBICAWheatgrass (WG) is a food derived from the plant Triticum aestivum and is considered a powerful health food with various benefits for human health.
Due to its high concentration of essential nutrients, including chlorophyll and a wide range of minerals, it has become a superfood. This review explores the nutritional benefits of WG, focusing on its rich chlorophyll content, a green pigment with detoxifying and antioxidant properties, and its significant levels of minerals such as calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), cooper (Cu), zinc (Zn), phosphorus (P), manganese (Mn), selenium (Se), potassium (K), and iron (Fe). Chlorophyll is known for its ability to enhance oxygen transport in the body, support liver detoxification, and promote cellular health. The mineral composition of WG contributes to bone health, muscle function, and electrolyte balance. Moreover, WG is valued for its role in boosting immunity, increasing energy levels, and improving digestion. The synergy between chlorophyll and essential minerals makes WG a valuable nutritional supplement, supporting metabolic processes and overall well-being. This review highlights the potential health benefits of WG as a nutrient-dense natural food, with a promising role in disease prevention and health promotion.
The Influence of Synthetic Antioxidants on the Evaporation Process of Linseed and Coconut Oil Droplets for Their Potential Use as Fuel in Diesel Engines
Sampawinde Augustin Zongo , Tizane Daho , Gilles Vaitilingom , Bruno Piriou , Jeremy Valette , Christian Caillol , Bila Gérard Segda, Pascal HigelinThis paper presents an analysis of the effect of two synthetic antioxidants on the vaporization processes of coconut and linseed oils for fuel use. Several studies agree on the effectiveness of synthetic or natural antioxidants against the polymerization of vegetable oils. The principle of action of the latter is to increase the rate of vaporization, to the detriment of polymer formation. The droplet suspension technique where a fiber is used to hold a stationary droplet has been used. The vaporization was conducted within a closed chamber under ambient pressure conditions in an inert and oxidizing environment at temperatures of 703 K. The method involves monitoring the projected surface area of vegetable oil droplet blended with antioxidants. The projected area (mm2) of the droplet during the vaporization process as a function of time (s) has been used to determine the vaporization coefficient, or the residue formation rate. The main findings are that the two antioxidants used at 200 ppm and 500 ppm have no influence on the vaporization of saturated oils like coconut, while on unsaturated oils like linseed the two antioxidants appear to reduce slightly the deposition of residues which are identified as polymers and increase slightly vaporization rate. In practice, antioxidants could be used as additives in vegetable oils to facilitate their combustion in diesel engines, representing a potential solution for improving combustion efficiency. To enhance the reliability of the findings, it would be advisable to increase the number of antioxidants and extend the study to encompass a wider range of vegetable oils.
Transformer le fléau en ressource: la logistique des retours des déchets plastiques à Ouagadougou au Burkina Faso
ZOMA VincentLa gestion des déchets plastiques à Ouagadougou représente un défi majeur, exacerbée par une urbanisation rapide et des infrastructures insuffisantes. Le présent article analyse alors la problématique de la gestion de la logistique de retour des déchets plastiques dans cette ville. L’étude basée à la fois sur l’observation directe sur le terrain, les entretiens semi-directifs, une enquête quantitative et la recherche documentaire montre que Ouagadougou demeure confrontée à une accumulation croissante de plastiques non biodégradables et souffre d'une pollution environnementale qui menace la santé publique. L'inefficacité des systèmes de collecte et de traitement accentue cette problématique, malgré quelques initiatives de recyclage limitées. La logistique inverse, ou logistique des retours, est proposée comme une solution potentielle pour améliorer le tri et la valorisation des plastiques usagés. Cependant, cette approche rencontre des obstacles liés aux infrastructures, à la sensibilisation du public et aux ressources financières limitées. Le développement de la logistique des retours pourrait, s'il est bien encadré, non seulement réduire la pollution plastique, mais aussi créer des emplois et renforcer la résilience économique locale.
Les déterminants de l’insertion professionnelle des diplômés de l’Institut Burkinabè des Arts et Métiers (IBAM) de l’Université Joseph KI-ZERBO du Burkina Faso
Lucien ZAONGOLe présent travail vise à contribuer à une meilleure connaissance des déterminants de l’insertion professionnelle des étudiants en fin de cycle de l’Institut Burkinabè des Arts et métiers (IBAM). Deux enquêtes ont été réalisées auprès de cent (100) diplômés et de onze (11) entreprises qui emploient des diplômés de l’IBAM. Les résultats obtenus montrent que le niveau d’instruction, l’expérience, les compétences, les stages et la spécialité de formation sont les facteurs qui influencent l’insertion professionnelle des diplômés ; et que les employeurs ont une bonne perception sur leurs compétences professionnelles. Des suggestions, aussi bien des étudiants que des employeurs sont faites pour améliorer la qualité de la formation.
Effet de la vulnérabilité économique sur la dette extérieure en Afrique subsaharienne : le rôle des ressources naturelles et de la qualité des institutions
Mohamed Tidjane KINDA et Pam ZAHONOGOL’objectif de cette recherche est d’analyser la relation entre la dette extérieure et la vulnérabilité économique en considérant le rôle des ressources naturelles et de la qualité des institutions en Afrique subsaharienne. Nous utilisons un modèle de panel dynamique de 41 pays, estimé par la méthode des GMM en système sur la période 2000 à 2018. Les résultats suggèrent qu’une plus grande vulnérabilité économique tend à entraîner une augmentation de la dette extérieure. La qualité des institutions peut amoindrir le recours à la dette extérieure. Pour les pays disposant de fortes rentes de ressources naturelles, une meilleure qualité des institutions peut ne pas creuser la dette mais seulement jusqu’à un certain seuil de vulnérabilité économique.
Beyond Economics and Culture: A Demographic Perspective on Contraceptive Theory
Nathalie Sawadogo, Hervé Bassinga, Adèle M. Ngo Bayong Ngock, Zhuang Han, Sarah C. Giroux, Parfait M. Eloundou-EnyegueTheories of contraception and fertility are currently dominated by economic and cultural arguments. A demographic perspective can usefully expand these theories through “addition,” “explication,” and “reconciliation.” The addition is about drawing attention to salient demographic forces that have previously been underconsidered whether these forces operate at the macro, meso, or microlevels. Explication is about adding explanatory flesh to proximate economic or cultural influences, which can themselves result from more fundamental demographic changes. Finally, reconciliation is about moving beyond an “economy -OR- culture” binary to seek complementarities and synergies. Decomposition methods inspired by a demographic perspective help such reconciliation. They offer handy empirical tools for assessing how economic, cultural, and demographic forces jointly shape changes in national rates of contraception, and how their contributions may change over time. Thus, demographic perspectives are not offered as a substitute but as an avenue to integrate cultural, economic, and demographic perspectives and to foster richer contextual analysis.
Phytochemical profile, antioxidant and contractile activity of plants extracts used by parturients to manage childbirth in Niger
Oumarou MAMAN NOURA, Amadou Tidjani ILAGOUMA, Wendkouni Leila Marie Esther BELEM-KABRE, Mathieu NITIEMA, Rainatou BOLY, Tata Kadiatou TRAORE, Kabakdé KABORE, Raogo OUEDRAOGO, Moussa COMPAORE, Rasmané SEMDE, Noufou OUEDRAOGOThe widespread use of herbal preparations during childbirth and postnatal care in some developing countries is generating interest in scientific research about their standardized use. This study aims to compare the phytochemical profiles, the antioxidant properties, and the contractile effects of plants used to manage the childbirth of seven samples of plants (bark of Acacia senegal (L.) Willd, leaves and bark of Sclerocarya birrea, leaves of Lawsonia inermis L, whole plant of Sesamum alatum, whole plant of Ceratotheca sesamoides Endl. and brak of Ficus platyphylla). Qualitative and quantitative phytochemical screening was carried out using HPTLC and colorimetric methods. Antioxidant activity was evaluated using DPPH, ABTS and FRAP methods. Enzyme inhibition was performed on lipid peroxidation (LPO) and 15-Lipoxygenase (15-LOX). The contractile effect of uterine smooth muscle in NMRI mice was assessed ex vivo. The screening revealed the presence of several phytoconstituents, such as tannins, flavonoids, coumarins, saponins, sterols, and triterpenes. The highest content of phenolic compounds and tannins, respectively 980.61 ± 0.60 and 764.80 ± 0.54 µg GAE/mg dE, were obtained with the ethanolic extract of bark of Sclerocarya birrea (eth-Dn-e). The highest content of flavonoids (456.95 ± 0.89 µg QE/mg dE) was obtained with the ethanolic extract of Ceratotheca sesamoides (eth-Y). The ethanolic extract of Ficus platyphylla bark (eth-G) effectively reduced DPPH, with an IC50 of 1.46 ± 0.06 µg/mL. The highest ferric ion-reducing power was obtained with Sclerocarya birrea bark decoction (Da-Dn-e), (78.95 ± 5.74 mmol AAE/g). Ethanolic macerate of Acacia senegal bark (eth-D) showed the lowest IC50 against 15-LOX at 32.18 µg/mL. The aqueous macerate of Ceratotheca sesamoides (Ma-Y) gave the highest percentage inhibition of LPO, at 62.07 ± 0.01 %. The highest uterine contraction at 10 mg/mL was 1.38 [A(cm)/uterus(cm)], obtained with ethanolic maceration of the whole plant of Ceratotheca sesamoides Endl. (eth-Y). The traditional use of plants during childbirth could be linked to the antioxidant and/or uterotonic effects of phytoconstituents. These constitutes a scientific basis that could justify the use of these plants in the management of childbirth.