Publications (5680)
Geographical patterns of woody plants’ functional traits in Burkina Faso
Abstract Schmidt, M., S. Traoré, A. Ouédraogo, E. Mbayngone, O. Ouédraogo, A. Zizka, I. Kirchmair, E. Kaboré, E. Tindano, A. Thiombiano, K. Hahn & G. Zizka (2013). Geographical patterns of woody plants' functional traits in Burkina Faso. Candollea 68: 197–207. In English, English and French abstracts. The West African vegetation zones from the(...)
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Do floristic composition, plant species abundance and vegetation structure in Sudanian wetlands vary according to conservation status?
In Sahel, wetlands are particularly endangered hence practical knowledge for their sustainable management is needed. The aim of this study was to compare plant community structure between protected and unprotected wetland bank stands in eastern Burkina Faso. Phytosociological and dendrometrical parameters were carrying out in adult trees, seed(...)
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Effets de la date de semis et du régime hydrique sur la réponse agromorphologique de deux variétés de niébé (KN1 ET KVX 61-1) au Burkina Faso [Effects of planting dates and frequency of watering on the agromorphological answer of two varieties of cowpea (KN1 and KVX 61.1) in Burkina Faso] Adama Pascal KIHINDO
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Dynamics of the invasive Bemisia tabaci (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) Mediterranean (MED) species in two West African countries
Bemisia tabaci Gennadius is a major pest on cotton and vegetable plants in Africa. It is considered as a cryptic species complex. Identification of the most damaging species such as the Middle East–Asia Minor 1 (B biotype) and Mediterranean (MED)(which contains the Q and Africa silverleaf (ASL) biotypes) species represents an important step to(...)
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Tree leaves in the diet of free-ranging ruminants in three areas of Burkina Faso
A study was undertaken to document the botanical composition of free ranging cattle and small ruminants in three separate areas of Burkina Faso, as the first step towards improved use and management of trees. Faecal samples were taken from cattle at three sites and from small ruminants at one site throughout a year and plant particles in the f(...)
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Infective endocarditis in sub-Saharan African children, cross-sectional study about 19 cases in Ouagadougou at Burkina Faso
INTRODUCTION: Infective endocarditis is a transplant of a microorganism on a most often injured endocardium. It is rare in children. This work aimed to determine the frequency of endocarditis of the child, to describe clinical presentation, data from echocardiography, microbiological profile and clinical course. PATIENTS AND METHODS: From May(...)
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Profil biologique de l’insuffisance rénale chronique
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Factors associated with poor blood pressure control in hypertensive black Africans: cross-sectional study of 456 hypertensive patients from Burkina Faso
INTRODUCTION: Hypertension in black is more frequent with early onset and clinically more severe. The blood pressure control and the decrease of global cardiovascular risk are two main goals of the treatment of hypertension. The objectives of this study were to determine the proportion of uncontrolled hypertension in hypertensive patients foll(...)
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Haemoglobin C protects against clinical Plasmodium falciparum malaria
Abstract Haemoglobin C (HbC; β6Glu→ Lys) is common in malarious areas of West Africa, especially in Burkina Faso 1, 2. Conclusive evidence exists on the protective role against severe malaria of haemoglobin S (HbS; β6Glu→ Val) heterozygosity 3, whereas conflicting results for the HbC trait have been reported 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and no epidemi(...)
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Structure du peuplement juvénile et potentialités de régénération des ligneux dans l’Est du Burkina Faso.
La distribution en classes de hauteur des jeunes sujets a été étudiée pour apprécier la structure de la population juvénile et la régénération ligneuses dans les savanes de 1'Est du Burkina Faso. Les relevés sont effectués suivant un gradient climatique traversant les secteurs sub-sahélien, nord-soudanien et sud—soudanien. Dans des parcelles u(...)
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Profil clinique de la cryptosporidiose en milieu hospitalier pédiatrique au Burkina Faso
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L’infarctus du myocarde du jeune adulte-Analyse rétrospective des cas colligés au CHU de Dakar
Les données relatives à l'infarctus du myocarde chez le jeune adulte sont rares en Afrique noir. Nous rapportons une série rétrospective de 14 cas dninfarctus du myocarde chez l'adulte jeune noir africain. Pour analyser les caractéristiques épidémiologiques, cliniques, électriques, échographiques, biologiques, thérapeutiques et évolutives de l(...)
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Delays in the management of acute coronary syndromes with ST-ST segment elevation in Ouagadougou and factors associated with an extension of these delays: a...
Résumé La prise en charge de l'infarctus du myocarde est une course contre la montre et les trois premières heures constituent les «golden hours». Les objectifs de ce travail étaient de déterminer le délai de prise en charge des infarctus du myocarde du myocarde au Burkina Faso, les facteurs liés à un allongement du délai et le pronostic des p(...)
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Assessment of the flora of Burkina Faso
Sixteen years after the last comprehensive checklist of Burkina Faso, about 30% more species have become known for the country's flora. Many of these are documented in the herbarium collections of the University of Ouagadougou (OUA) and the Herbarium Senckenbergianum (FR). Nevertheless some regions and habitat types are still incompletely samp(...)
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Le paludisme congénital maladie à Plasmodium falciparum: aspects épidémiologiques, cliniques, biologiques, thérapeutiques et pronostiques à Ouagadougou, Bur...
Conclusion La prévalence du paludisme congénital maladie est élevée dans notre Unité et les facteurs de risque de la maladie sont difficiles à cerner. Parce que les symptômes ne sont pas spécifiques, la recherche de Plasmodium doit être systématique chez tout nouveau-né malade en zone d'endémie palustre.
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