Publications (205)
Weighted Stepanov-like pseudo almost automorphic solutions of class r for some partial differential equations
Hamidou Toure, Issa Zabsonre
The aim of this work is to study weighted Stepanov-like pseudo almost automorphic functions using the measure theory. We present a new concept of weighted ergodic functions which is more general than the classical one. Then we establish many interesting results on the functional space of such functions. We also study the existence and uniquene(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Bifurcation and stability Analysis in Complex Cross-Diffusion Mathematical Model of Phytoplankton-Fish Dynamics
OUEDRAOGO Hamidou, OUEDRAOGO Wendkouni and SANGARE Boureima ´ ∗
In this paper, we propose a nonlinear reaction-diffusion system describing the interaction
between toxin-producing phytoplankton and fish population. We analyze the effect of cross-diffusion on
the dynamics of the system. The mathematical study of the model leads us to have an idea on the existence
of a solution, the existence of equilibria(...)
Toxin effect; populations dynamics; predator-prey model; reaction-diffusion system; bifurcation; pattern formation.
Derivations and Dimentionally Nilpotent Derivations in Lie Algebras
In this paper, we first study derivations in non nilpotent Lie triple algebras. We determine the structure of derivation algebra according to whether it admits an idempotent or a pseudo-idempotent. We study the multiplicative structure of non nil dimensionally nilpotent Lie triple algebras. We show that when n=2 p+1 the adapted basis coincides(...)
Dimensionally nilpotent Lie triple algebra, pseudo-idempotent, Jordan algebra, ascending basis
In this paper, Homotopy Perturbation Method (HPM), Regular PertubationMethod
(RPM) and Adomian decomposition Method (ADM) are applied to Fisher equation. Then, the
solution yielding the given initial conditions is gained. Finally, the solutions obtained by each
method are compared.
Fisher equation, ,Homotopy Perturbation Method (HPM), Regular Pertubation Method (RPM), Adomian decomposition Method (ADM)
General Solution of Linear Partial Differential Equations Modeling Homogeneous diffusion-convection-reaction Problems with Cauchy Initial Condition
Minoungou Youssouf, Bagayogo Moussa, Youssouf Pare
In this paper, we propose the general solution of diusion-convection-reaction homogeneous problems with condition initial of Cauchy, using the SBA numerical method. This method is based on the combination of the Adomian Decompositional Method(ADM), the successive approximations method and the Picard principle.
SBA method, Adomian Decompositional Method(ADM), homogeneous Diffusion-convection-reaction problem
Elliptic problem involving non-local boundary conditions
Noureddine Igbida and Soma Safimba
In this paper, we study existence and uniqueness of a solution for a nonlinear elliptic problem subject to nonlocal boundary condition. Moreover, we prove the equivalence between this kind of problem and nonlinear problem with very large diffusion around the boundary.
Non-local boundary conditions Maximal monotone graph Leray–Lions operator
Global dynamics of a seasonal mathematical model of schistosomiasis transmission with general incidence function
TRAORE Bakary, KOUTOU Ousmane, SANGARE Boureima
In this paper, we investigate a nonautonomous and an autonomous model of schistosomiasis transmission with a general incidence function. Firstly, we formulate the nonautonomous model by taking into account the effect of climate change on the transmission. Through rigorous analysis via theories and methods of dynamical systems, we show that the(...)
Schistosomiasis, Nonautonomous Model, General Incidence Function, Basic Reproduction Ratio, Uniform Persistence, Global Stability, Numerical Simulations
Mathematical model of malaria transmission dynamics with distributed delay and a wide class of nonlinear incidence rates
KOUTOU Ousmane, TRAORE Bakary, SANGARE Boureima
Generally, the infection process of most vector-borne diseases involves a latent period in both human hosts and vectors. With regards to other publications, Tian and Song have recently proposed an SIR-SI model to analyze the effects of the incubation period on a vector-borne disease with nonlinear transmission rate. But they were silent on the(...)
malaria transmission dynamics, delay differential equations, basic reproduction number, wide class of incidence rates, numerical simulations, limit cycles
A mathematical model with a trophic chain predation based on the ODEs to describe fish and plankton dynamics
Hamidou Ouedraogo, Wendkouni Ouedraogo, and Boureima Sangare
The aim of this paper is the formulation and the study of a prey-predator model
to describe fish and plankton population dynamics, with three developmental stages of the
fish population (larva, juvenile and adult). First, we develop a mathematical model based on
the ODEs, describing the dynamics of the various classes for the fish populatio(...)
Populations dynamics, global stability, fishing effort, prey-predator model, ODEs system
A Self-Diffusion Mathematical Model to Describe the Toxin Effect on the Zooplankton-Phytoplankton Dynamics
Ouedraogo, Hamidou; Ouedraogo, Wendkouni; Sangaré, Boureima
The main goal of this work is the mathematical formulation, the analysis
and the numerical simulation of a prey-predator model by taking into account the
toxin produced by the phytoplankton species. The mathematical study of the model
leads us to have an idea on the existence of solution, the existence of equilibria and the
stability of th(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Application of the SBA Method for Solving the Partial Differential Equation
Gires Dimitri NKAYA, Francis Bassono, Rasmané Yaro, BISSANGA Gabriel
The nonlinear problem play a significant role in many diverse areas of science and technology. Many problem are gou-verned by partial differential equations, or by systems of partial differential equations. It is difficult to find their exactsolutions. In this paper, we use the Some Blaise Abbo (SBA) method to find the exact solution of some w(...)
SBA method, wave-like equation
Contribution to the estimation by projection of the operator of a moving average with values in a Hilbert space
Armand Du Barry, V. KONANE, Dembo Gadiaga
This paper is a contribution to the method of estimation by projection.
We revisited the work of Bosq and Turbillon [3]. First, we propose
extensions and simplied proofs of some of the results of the article
[3]. Secondly, we proposed and demonstrated results of convergence.
Finally, we apply the model on real data of the turnover of an i(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Weighted pseudo almost periodic and pseudo almost automorphic solutions of class r for some partial differential equations
Khalil Ezzinbi, Hamidou Toure, Issa Zabsonre
The aim of this work is to present new approach to study weighted pseudo almost periodic and automorphic functions using the measure theory. We present a new concept of weighted ergodic functions which is more general than the classical one. Then we establish many interesting results on the functional space of such functions. We study the exis(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Mathematical modeling of malaria transmission global dynamics: taking into account the immature stages of the vectors
KOUTOU Ousmane, TRAORE Bakary, SANGARE Boureima
In this paper we present a mathematical model of malaria transmission. The model is an autonomous system, constructed by considering two models: a model of vector population and a model of virus transmission. The threshold dynamics of each model is determined and a relation between them established. Furthermore, the Lyapunov principle is appli(...)
Mosquitoes, Malaria transmission, Thresholds dynamics, Stability, Lyapunov principle
A reaction diffusion model to describe the toxin effect on the fish-plankton population
Wendkouni Ouedraogo, Hamidou Ouedraogo, Boureima Sangaré
This paper is aimed at the mathematical formulation, the analysis, and the numerical simulation of a prey-competitor-predator model by taking into account the toxin produced by the phytoplankton species. The mathematical study of the model leads us to have an idea on the existence of solution, the existence of equilibria, and the stability of(...)
Prey-predator, toxin effect, pattern