Publications (116)
Accessibilité aux technologies de l'information et de la communication des étudiants en licence de l'UFR Sciences de la Santé (SDS) de l'Université Joseph KI-ZERBO de Ouagadougou
Relwendé Aristide YAMEOGO, ZONGO Armelle Francine, DOUMONBOU A. Isabelle. Rachelle, Joël BAMOUNI, SOUBIABIGA Romaric, Patrice ZABSONRE , Adama SANOU, Nicolas MEDA
L’objectif de ce travail est d’évaluer l’accès aux technologies numériques chez les étudiants de l’UFR/SDS de l’Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo. Il s’est agi d’une étude transversale descriptive menée à l’aide d’un questionnaire auto-administré, qui a été distribué aux étudiants inscrits en licence dans les filières de médecine, pharmacie et chirur(...)
Accès à la technologie , Compétences numériques , Burkina Faso
Enhancing 5G-NR mm Wave: Phase Noise Models Evaluation with MMSE for CPE Compensation
GUEL Desire, SOMDA Flavien Herve, ZERBO Boureima, SIE Oumarou
The rapid development of 5G New Radio (NR) and millimeter-wave (mmWave) communication systems highlights the critical importance of maintaining accurate phase synchronization to ensure reliable and efficient communication. This study focuses on evaluating phase noise models and implementing Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) algorithms for Commo(...)
5G New Radio (NR), mmWave, CPE Compensation, Phase Noise Models, Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE), EVM (Error Vector Magnitude), BLER (BLock Error Rate), SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio), NRPDSCH (Physical Downlink Shared Channel), PT-RS (Phase Tracking Reference Signals)
Enhancing Connectivity and Energy Efficiency in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks with SHEM
Yacouba Ouattara, Christophe Lang
The wireless sensor network can be useful in many domains such as military field, environmental control, medicine and healthcare. We, specially, focus on networks with mobiles nodes. Such networks require continuous dynamic reconfiguration to maintain effective communication between the nodes. Maintaining communication links and connectivity i(...)
algorithmic, energy, mobility, topology, connectivity, distributed
5G NR PRACH Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN): Overcoming Cell Interference Challenges
GUEL Desire, KABORE Arsene, BASSOLE Didier
In this paper, we present a novel approach to interference detection in 5G New Radio (5G-NR) networks using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). Interference in 5G networks challenges high-quality service due to dense user equipment deployment and increased wireless environment complexity. Our CNN-based model is designed to detect Physical Ran(...)
5G-NR, PRACH, Réseaux de Neurones Convolutifs (CNN), Interference Detection
Deep Learning and Web Applications Vulnerabilities Detection: An Approach Based on Large Language Models
Sidwendluian Romaric Nana, Didier Bassole, Desire Guel and Oumarou Sie
Web applications are part of the daily life of Internet users, who find services in all sectors of activity. Web applications have become the target of malicious users. They exploit web application vulnerabilities to gain access to unauthorized resources and sensitive data, with consequences for users and businesses alike. The growing complexi(...)
Deep Learning, Web application, Vulnerability, Detection, Large Language Model
Deep Learning and Web Applications Vulnerabilities Detection: An Approach Based on Large Language Models
NANA Sidwendluian Romaric, BASSOLE Didier, GUEL Desire, SIE Oumarou
Web applications are part of the daily life of Internet users, who find services in all sectors of activity. Web applications have become the target of malicious users. They exploit web application vulnerabilities to gain access to unauthorized resources and sensitive data, with consequences for users and businesses alike. The growing complexi(...)
Deep learning, Web application, Vulnerability, Detection, Large language model
A comparison of AI methods for Groundwater Level Prediction in Burkina Faso
Abdoul Aziz Bonkoungou, Souleymane Zio, Aminata Sabane, Rodrique Kafando, Abdoul Kader Kabore, Tégawendé F Bissyandé
Groundwater serves as a valuable resource to supplement surface water, and its extensive utilization underscores the importance of precise groundwater level predictions. Burkina Faso confronts a critical challenge in the domain of sustainable groundwater resource management, underscoring the need for accurate forecasts of groundwater levels to(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Detecting Illicit Data Leaks on Android Smartphones Using an Artificial Intelligence Models
Serge Lionel Nikiema, Aminata Sabane, Abdoul-Kader Kabore, Rodrique Kafando & Tégawendé F. Bissyande
In today’s digital landscape, hackers and espionage agents are increasingly targeting Android, the world’s most prevalent mobile operating system. We introduce DeepDetector - a system based on artificial intelligence to recognize data thefts in Android. This model is based upon a large dataset comprising of clean and tainted network traffic tr(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
A Metamodel for Enhancing Program Increment (PI) Planning: Towards a Framework for Modeling and Impact Analysis
Flavien Hervé SOMDA, Désiré GUEL, Kiswendsida Kisito KABORE
This article introduces a novel approach to addressing challenges in Program Increment (PI) Planning within Agile methodologies and large-scale software development. Our research develops a metamodel and framework to formalize the PI Planning domain, enabling systematic modeling and effective impact analyses. PI Planning is crucial in Agile so(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
5G-NR PRACH Detection Performance Optimization in Context of Intra/Inter-Cell Interference
Désiré Guel, Pegdwindé Justin Kouraogo, Boureima Zerbo, Elie Jephte Yaro
The ever-evolving landscape of wireless communication technologies has led to the
development of 5G-NR (5G New Radio) networks [1] promising higher data rates and lower latency. However, with these advancements come challenges in managing intra-cell and inter-cell
interference, particularly during the random-access procedure. This article ai(...)
5G-NR PRACH, Intra/Inter-Cell Interference, Quality of Service (QoS)
5G-NR PRACH Detection Performance Optimization in Context of Intra/Inter-Cell Interference
Désiré Guel, Pegdwindé Justin Kouraogo, Boureima Zerbo, Elie Jephte Yaro
The ever-evolving landscape of wireless communication technologies has led to the development of 5G-NR (5G New Radio) networks [1] promising higher data rates and lower latency. However, with these advancements come challenges in managing intra-cell and inter-cell interference, particularly during the random-access procedure. This article aims(...)
5G-NR PRACH, Intra/Inter-Cell Interference, Quality of Service (QoS)
Convolutional Neural Networks Deep Learning Based for Malaria Detection and Diagnosis
Kabore, Josue, Guinko, Ferdinand T, Kiswendsida Kisito, Ouedraogo
Malaria is a disease that occurs worldwide, especially in tropical regions where a high prevalence is observed. Difficulties are encountered especially in developing countries where resources in terms of equipment and trained personnel are limited. Until today, microscopic analysis is the standard method for diagnosing Plasmodium falciparum, w(...)
Malaria, Deep Learning, Object detection, YOLOv5
Is it better to bring digital health tools together? Where Burkina Faso is going with a minimal digital ecosystem (MDE)
Joël Arthur Kiendrébéogo 1,2,3,4*, Charlemagne Tapsoba5,6, Orokia Sory2, Issa Kaboré7, Yamba Kafando7, Simon Tiendrébéogo2,8, David Zombré9, Rémi Kaboré2,10, Noellie Konsebo6,11, Nacanabo Relwendé2,8, Jean Serge Dimitri Ouattara12, Guillaume Foutry13, Sara Hyde14, Dylan Green15, Michael Chaitkin16, André Lin Ouédraogo17 and S. Pierre Yaméogo
Digital health technologies are proliferating in low-income countries. However, they are not always optimally integrated and focused on health system priorities. To improve the performance of primary health care and accelerate progress toward universal health coverage, Burkina Faso aims to bring together eight digital health tools in two healt(...)
digital ecosystem; digital health; digital health solutions; digital health tools; primary healthcare performance; Burkina Faso
Aminata Sabané, Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc, Venera Arnaoudova et Giuliano Antoniol
The fragile base-class problem (FBCP) has been described in the literature as a consequence of “misusing” inheritance and composition in object-oriented programming when (re)using frameworks. Many research works have focused on preventing the FBCP by proposing alternative mechanisms for reuse, but, to the best of our knowledge, there is no pre(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
ICT emerging technologies context and possibilities of applications in GIST
KOURAOGO Pegdwindé Justin
In this work we give some overviews on how emerging technologies can improve the use and design of Geospatial Information Systems and Technologies (GIST). We present the issues in three points of views, namely hardware systems points of view, software systems point of view and data management systems points of view. We present opportunity of i(...)
Emerging Technologies, GIST, hardware, software, data