Publications (5615)
Lésions digestives par ingestions de corps étrangers chez les patients atteints de pica : à propos de 3 cas.
Sawadogo YE, Windsouri M, Sam A, Sanou Y, Sawadogo TJ, Kambou O, Ouédraogo WAI, Ouangré E, Zida1 M.
Les ingestions de corps étrangers sont des situations fréquentes en urgence. Le Pica est une forme de trouble du comportement alimentaire chez l’adulte. Nous rapportons 3 cas de lésions digestives chez des patients atteints de Pica aux urgences viscérales du CHU Yalgado Ouédraogo. L’observation 1 présentait une patiente de 36 ans avec des anté(...)
pica, géophagie, corps étrangers, chirurgie
Cytochrome P450 2B6 6 distribution among Burkinabè population
Raoul KARFO, Fabienne Marie SOUDRE, Alice KIBA, Arnaud KOURAOGO, Elie KABRE, Jean SAKANDE
Mutations affect the genes that encode certain cytochromes P450 (CYP450) isoenzymes that are
responsible for metabolism of drugs. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of CYP2B6 (516GT)
SNP in the Burkinabè population. Genomic DNA extraction from blood was performed by GenJET® Genomic
DNA according to the manufacturer’s in(...)
CYP 450, CYP 450 2B6, HIV, Malaria
Facteurs Associés à la Récurrence des Épidémies de Choléra au Niger entre 2011 et 2020
Mahamadou Yacouba Moustapha, Ibrahim Alkassoum, Yanogo. Pauline, Jean Kaboré, Meda Nicolas
Introduction. Cholera is a major public health emergency. In 2017 worldwide, there were 71-recorded outbreaks of cholera epidemics. To date, Africa is the most affected region in the world. In Niger, cholera epidemics have been occurring since 1970 in epidemic or endemic mode. This study aims to contribute to the knowledge of the factors assoc(...)
Factors, Recurrence, epidemics, cholera
Distribution and Carbon Sequestration Potential of Cola laurifolia Mast.: A Dominant Native Riparian Species along Permanent Rivers in Sub-Saharan Africa
Gouwidida Elice Kabore ,Philippe Bayen, Sidzabda Djibril Dayamba , Sidzabda Djibril Dayamba
The continuously increasing interest in carbon market call for adequate approaches to assess and monitor the growth and carbon of tree species. Species-specific models for estimating aboveground biomass (AGB) are the accurate means of quantifying species’ carbon pools. This study aimed at developing allometric equation for Cola laurifolia Mast(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Cytochrome P450 2B6 6 distribution among Burkinabè population
Raoul KARFO, Fabienne Marie SOUDRE, Alice KIBA, Arnaud KOURAOGO, Elie KABRE and Jean SAKANDE
Mutations affect the genes that encode certain cytochromes P450 (CYP450) isoenzymes that are
responsible for metabolism of drugs. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of CYP2B6 (516GT) SNP in the Burkinabè population. Genomic DNA extraction from blood was performed by GenJET® Genomic DNA according to the manufacturer’s instruc(...)
CYP 450, CYP 450 2B6, HIV, Malaria
Fall Médina, Diarra Abdoulaziz, Ouédraogo Youssouf, Pesson Delon Muller
L’objectif de cett e étude était de détermine r l e profil épidémiologique et clinique des besoins en prothèse fixée
au CHU de Tengadogo.
Une étude descriptive transversale a été réalisée à l’unité odonto-stomatologie du CHU de Tengadogo de Mars à Juin
2016. Les données ont été recueillies à partir des(...)
Edentement, Profil épidémiologique, Prothèse fixée, besoins en traitement prothétique
Integrated Solutions to Improve Combustion of Jatropha Oil in Diesel engine: Analysis of Engine Performance and Cyclic Dispersion
Yomi Woro Gounkaoua Ali Diane, TizaneDaho, Gilles Vaitilingom, Bruno Piriou and Antoine Béré
This work focused on an integrated approach of solutions to improve the combustion of Jatropha oil in an indirect injection Diesel engine (Lister type). The improvements were assessed using combustion parameters, especially cyclic dispersion. The Jatropha oil was preheated to 100°C and the Diesel engine has received changes in fuel injection t(...)
Jatropha Oil, Diesel Engine, Injection Timing, Injection Pressure
Distribution and Carbon Sequestration Potential of Cola laurifolia Mast.: A Dominant Native Riparian Species along Permanent Rivers in Sub-Saharan Africa
Kaboré Gouwidida Elice, Bayen Philippe, Dayamba Sizabda Djibril, Thiombiano Adjima
The continuously increasing interest in carbon market call for adequate approaches to assess and monitor the growth and carbon of tree species. Species-specific models for estimating aboveground biomass (AGB) are the accurate means of quantifying species’ carbon pools. This study aimed at developing allometric equation for Cola laurifolia Mast(...)
Allometry, aboveground biomass, Burkina Faso, species distribution, Mouhoun River
Actinomycose révélée par une tumeur du cavum
N. Zaghré , E.Nao , F.A.H.A ldo , A. Gadjiko , T. Ouédraogo , C. L. Bambara , B. P. Ouédraogo , M. Sérémé4, Y. M. C Gyébré
Objectif : étudier les aspects diagnostics, thérapeutiques et
évolutifs de l'actinomycose du cavum au Centre Hospitalier
Universitaire de Tengandogo (CHUT) à Ouagadougou.
Patients et méthode: il s'agit d'une étude de cas, portant sur
un patient porteur d'une actinomycose du cavum en Novembre
2021au CHUT.
Résultats: Notre observation a po(...)
actinomycose, cavum
La figure de Pabré dans le récit épique de la fondation du Yatenga
KABORE Barthélemy, ROUAMBA Lydia
Les récits épiques se présentent comme de longs poèmes qui relatent les exploits d’un héros à l’origine de la fondation d’un ordre politique. Le parcours sociopolitique des Moose montre des héros qui, par le compagnonnage d’autres personnages, ont réussi en conquérir des territoires. Est de ce compagnonnage Pabré qui fait office d’adjuvante da(...)
anthropologie, Moose, Pabré, récit épique
Myocardial steatosis: An autopsy-discovered case
Aimé Sosthène Ouédraogo, W Norbert Ramdé, FAHA Ido, I Savadogo, R Alexis Ouedraogo, S Ouattara, Aïda S Ouedraogo, WYC Nikiema
Introduction: Myocardial steatosis, a poorly documented pathology, is characterized by the accumulation of abnormal amounts of triglycerides in the cardiomyocytes. Myocardial steatosis is generally asymptomatic, but it can be the cause of heart failure. It is primarily of hypoxic or metabolic origin.
Case Report: We report a case of postmorte(...)
Cardiomyocyte, Pathological anatomy
Efficacité et innocuité de la combinaison pyronaridine-artésunate versus dihydroartémisininepipéraquine dans le traitement du paludisme simple à P. falciparum chez les femmes enceintes au Burkina Faso.
Mots clés non renseignés
Patient experience at endoscopy centers in three West African countries during the COVID-19 pandemic
Guingané N A, Houndonougbo E, Abdouramane S.J, Zoungrana L.S, Soudré S, Coulibaly A, Somda S, Sombié R, Sawadogo A, Bougouma A.
Corona virus infection and the risk of contagiousness to medical personnel or
patients during endoscopy necessitated further measures in the endoscopy
rooms. The objective of this study was to assess the experience of patients in
endoscopy rooms during the COVID-19 epidemic in West Africa. Patients
and Methods: This was a multicenter cross(...)
Endoscopy, COVID-19, Patients, Exposure, Symptoms
Ulcères gastriques et duodénaux perforés : aspects épidémiologiques, cliniques, thérapeutiques et évolutifs au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Tengandogo (CHU-T)
RN Doamba, M Windsouri, R Badiel, I Bahikoro, AF Sanon, C Bagre, E Ouangre, M Zida, AR Sombie, A SanouI
Introduction : les ulcères gastriques ou duodénaux sont des affections chroniques multifactorielle évoluant par poussées et qui touche le plus souvent l’adulte jeune. Objectifs : étudier les ulcères gastriques ou duodénaux perforés dans le service de chirurgie viscérale du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Tengandogo (CHU-T). Méthodologie :(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Patient Experience at Endoscopy Centers in Three West African Countries during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Alice Nanelin Guingané 1* , Euloge Houndonougbo 2 , Jamila Abdouramane Soli 3 , Léonce Steve Zoungrana 4 , Sandrine Soudré 5 , Aboubacar Coulibaly 6 , Sosthène Somda 6 , Roger Sombié 6 , Appolinaire Sawadogo 7 , Alain Bougouma
Corona virus infection and the risk of contagiousness to medical personnel or patients during endoscopy necessitated further measures in the endoscopy rooms. The objective of this study was to assess the experience of patients in endoscopy rooms during the COVID-19 epidemic in West Africa. Patients and Methods: This was a multicenter cross-sec(...)
Endoscopy, COVID-19, Patients, Exposure