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Cholera invasion speed and the intervention strength
Komi Afassinou, Ousmane Koutou, Narcisse Roland Loufouma MakalaWe formulate a mathematical model which captures the essential dynamics of cholera infection transmission. Control interventions such as vaccination program and environmental sanitation service are incorporated to analyse the impact of both interventions on the infection dynamics. The qualitative and numerical analyses of the model are carried out. Through these analyses, a great attention is brought to certain uncommonly used infection features such as invasion speed of an infection which historically has been ignored by infectious disease modellers. The analyses of these key model parameters not only reveal the required intervention strength needed to curb the infection spread but also indicate which either control intervention should be prioritised. The numerical results approve the qualitative f indings and promise an infection free population, should the control intervention speed be greater than the invasion speed of the infection.
General practitioners’ knowledge of psychotraumatism in Burkina Faso in a context of security challenges
Konsam Cédric Christel Sawadogo , Boubacar Bague , Adama Galboni , Mahamane Mobarak Salifou Abdou , Zeinabou Cisse and Kapouné KarfoPost-traumatic stress disorders are psychiatric disorders that arise after a traumatic event. They result in moral
suffering and physical complications that profoundly alter personal, social and professional life. Our main objective
was to study general practitioners (GP)’ knowledge of psychotraumatism. This was a descriptive, cross-sectional
study whose data collection took place from January 15 to September 15, 2023 in Burkina Faso. GP practicing
in Burkina Faso were included. The minimum number of subjects to be included was 422. A Google Form ®
questionnaire was administered to participants. Our study sample comprised 427 GP, 67% of whom were men
(284/427). The mean age of the doctors was 32.4±3.5 years. Doctors were married in 49% of cases (208/427) and
single in 41% (174/427). Average professional experience was 3.8±2.6 years. The largest number of GP (120) came
from the Centre region. A minority of GP practiced in rural areas (7%). The majority of GP (63%) thought they had
already dealt with a case of psychotraumatism. Our sample had received training in psychotraumatism during
their medical studies in 26.9% of cases, and 17.8% had received continuing education. Considering the grading of
GP’ knowledge of psychotraumatism, 182 had an average score of 10 or above, i.e. 43% of our sample. Our study
did not reveal any factors associated with better knowledge of psychotraumatism. A study on a larger population
including nurses could enable us to better assess the level of knowledge in psychotraumatism.
Les radios communautaires au Burkina Faso face à la crise sécuritaire : Contraintes, adaptations et résiliences
Esther Delwendé Konsimbo, Boukari OuédraogoL'insécurité qui secoue le Burkina Faso depuis 2015 a modifié les pratiques journalistiques et le rôle des radios communautaires au Burkina Faso. Cet article analyse comment les radios communautaires font face aux défis liés à la crise sécuritaire. L'article s'appuie sur la théorie du gatekeeping comme cadre d'analyse. A partir d'entretiens avec les responsables de sept stations de radio émettant dans des zones d'insécurité et de l'étude d'une grille de programmes, nous montrons que les groupes terroristes sont le principal filtre, ou gatekeeper, au vu de l'influence qu'ils exercent sur la production des émissions des médias locaux ainsi que sur leur fonctionnement.
Transition frequency and dynamic of polaron in transition metal dichalcogenide under radiowave and microwave
J. V. Nguepnang, C. Kenfack-Sadem, Mboumba Maik Delon, M. R. Kamsap, A. Kenfack-Jiotsa, Bokoyo Barandja Vinci De Dieu, I. ZerboWe investigated the transition frequency and dynamic of polaron in transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) under the radiowave and the microwave using Pekar variational method. We calculated the ground and first excited states energies of polaron, the magnitude of the bandgap modulation, the mobility and the lifetime of polaron are derived. Due to
the polaron’s superposition states in TMD, the qubit is formed, and the transition frequency is derived in order to value the information transfer. Our results demonstrated that: on one hand, the frequency of the microwave and the radiowave create fluctuation in the states energy of the polaron and the magnitude of the bandgap modulation. On the other hand, we found that their amplitudes increase the states energies, the lifetime and the mobility of the polaron but reduces the magnitude of the bandgap modulation. We also found that the radiowave and the microwave allow the information transfer and are helpful for controlling the state of a system.
Evolution des pratiques endogènes dans les communes rurales du nord du Burkina Faso
Yasmina Téga, Hycenth Tim Ndah, Eveline Compaoré-Sawadogo, Jean-Marie DIPAMA, Johannes SchulerAu Burkina Faso, on constate une dégradation importante des sols liée à une gestion insuffisante des éléments nutritifs et à des pratiques agricoles inadaptées aux conditions climatiques et pédologiques. Les pratiques d’agroécologie sont des solutions endogènes permettant de répondre à ces défis. L’objectif de cette recherche est d’analyser l’évolution des pratiques agricoles endogènes au Nord du Burkina Faso, dans un contexte d’influence d’organisations externes. Notre étude mobilise un cadre d’analyse basé sur le concept de transition vers l’agroécologie. Elle repose sur la réalisation de huit focus groups et 46 entretiens individuels. Les résultats de l’analyse des données montrent un large éventail de pratiques endogènes connues et utilisées par les agriculteurs, qu’on peut considérer comme des pratiques agroécologiques. Certaines de ces pratiques ont été améliorées au fil du temps pour accroître leur efficacité et leur efficience grâce à l’appui d’acteurs externes comme les programmes de recherche-développement. Il ressort que les agriculteurs sont en phase d’amélioration de leurs pratiques endogènes (jachère, compostage) et adoptent de nouvelles pratiques de gestion durable des sols (cultures fourragères, semences améliorées, association de cultures et semis en ligne). Les deux communes étudiées sont engagées dans une dynamique de transition agroécologique entraînant d’importantes transformations de l’agroécosystème dans son ensemble.
In Silico Inhibitory Potential of Isolated Molecules of Scoparia dulcis L. (Scrophulariaceae) on SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease Mpro
Ouedraogo Moussa, Ouedraogo Windbedema Prisca, Yameogo Hermann W., Traore Inna T., Boly Raïnatou, Ouedraogo Noufou, Semde Rasmanè and Ouedraogo SylvinBackground: The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, caused
by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, remains a global threat despite lifting the
health emergency. Scientists from all continents have been mobilized to develop
vaccines and medicines for prevention and cure. In Burkina Faso, traditional
healers proposed using Scoparia dulcis L., a medicinal plant, to manage
COVID-19. Method: In silico screening offers a quick drug-likeness evaluation
of Scoparia dulcis L.-isolated biomolecules toward SARS-CoV-2 targets,
such as Mpro protease. A review of the literature retrieved 35 biomolecules isolated
from Scoparia dulcis . The potential interactions of these biomolecules
with the amino acid residues of the SARS-CoV-2 Mpro protease were visualized.
Affinities and probable oral route delivery were assessed using reference
molecules such as remdesivir and nelfinavir. Results: The screening allowed
the retention of 20 hit molecules, which had a better affinity for the target than
the reference molecules remdesivir and nelfinavir, and analysis of the results
identified height lead molecules with a significant interaction with the Mpro
protease and being druggable. There are six flavonoids: cirsimarin, cynaroside,
hydroxy-tetramethoxyflavone, gossypetin, luteolin, vitexin, one diterpene,
glutinol, and one glycoside, eugenyl-glucoside. These molecules interact with
methionine 6 and tyrosine 126 of SARS-CoV-2 Mpro. These two amino acids
are essential for the dimerization of Mpro protease. Inhibitory action on Mpro
protease can be expected from these biomolecules. Conclusion: Scoparia dulcis
L. could help manage COVID-19 because it contains biomolecules that can
inactivate SARS-CoV-2 Mpro.
Forage harvesting using branch pruning compromises sustainable use and conservation of Pterocarpus erinaceus Poir., an endangered species
Bossila Séraphin Hien, Loyapin Bondé, Mohamed Mahamoud Charahabil, Sié Sylvestre Da, Joseph Issaka Boussim, Oumarou OuédraogoPterocarpus erinaceus Poir. is a leguminous tree species with huge forage value. It is subjected to heavy pruning pressure in dry season for livestock feeding, resulting in yearly decline of forage production and vulnerability of the species which is currently classified as endangered species. This study aimed at: (i) identifying factors influencing branch pruning pressure on P. erinaceus tree, (ii) assessing the effect of branch pruning on foliage production of the species and (iii) developing allometric equations for estimating its foliage biomass. We measured leaf biomass on representative living branches on 48 individual trees of P. erinaceus distributed in protected and communal areas following topography gradient. Branch size distribution and branch pruning ratio (PR) expressing human pressure on sampled trees were appreciated. Results indicated that PR was significantly (p-value < 0.001) influenced by tree morphological traits such as diameter at breast height (DBH) and crown area, and tree density around sampled tree. Linear regression highlighted the dominance of small branches on sampled trees both for pruned and living branches, suggesting a regular pruning of trees. Topography position and PR were found as main factors affecting the species leaf production (p < 0.05). The potential leaf biomass estimated at 15.09 ± 6.58 kg per tree is reduced by 35.98% when using branch pruning for forage harvesting. DBH and PR were the best predictor variables for estimating leaf production of the species. Allometric model developed is a useful tool for optimizing harvesting activities and secure sustainable use of the species. Based on the harvesting pressure observed on the species, the promotion of more conservative harvesting techniques such as cutting of leafy twigs for forage harvesting instead of branch pruning and preserving of heavy pruned trees from harvesting during few years are highly recommended for enabling fast renewal of branches and seed production for species regeneration. Findings and recommendations from this case study on P. erinaceus could be used to improve the management of tree species subjected to similar harvesting pressure across tropical regions.
Pastoral livestock farming constraints and adaptation strategies in response to institutional reforms in the Sudano-Sahelian zone of West Africa
Basnewindé Ilboudo, Alhassane Zaré, Innocent Charles Emmanuel Traoré, Loyapin Bondé, Reginald Tang Guuroh and Oumarou OuédraogoLivestock farming is one of the main socio-economic activities in West Africa, predominantly extensive and reliant on natural rangelands. In Burkina Faso, the pastoral zone creation process began in 1980 to sedentarize livestock farmers, reduce social conflict, and strengthen livestock production. Therefore, these areas were subjected to institutional reforms with direct consequences on pastoralism. This study aimed to analyze the effects of land tenure and protected area governance reforms on the pastoral production system by identifying concomitantly related constraints and adaptation strategies adopted by local communities. Data was collected through analysis of policy documents, and
surveys from 280 key informants and household heads related to the pastoral zone of Yallé using individual interviews and focus group discussions. The main information collected included pastoral landscape and the current state of the livestock production system. Data was also taken on pastoral constraints related to land reforms, protected area governance, and alternative adaptation strategies developed to address constraints. The changes highlighted are the challenge to the pastoral zone and the appropriation of pastureland by other users inducing range shrinkage, inaccessibility to water resources, and farmer-herders conflicts. In response, some livestock farmers drive their herds out of the country, while others illegally graze in protected areas. They also combine socio-professional conversion to support their livelihoods, with atypical transhumance in the rainy
season and seek herd feed satisfaction. New forage harvesting techniques, supported by training, and the integration of agriculture into livestock farming are opportunities to promote agropastoralism, more sustainable. Policymakers should ensure that livestock development actions are legally secure and that institutional reforms promote common resource use in pastoral areas. Also, livestock farmers are encouraged to create community structures for coordinated resource management and conflict resolution. Further, State institutions must supervise investor establishment in pastoral zones while preventing private property rights over the land.
Traoré Hortense, Segda Bila Gérard, Dipama Jean-MarieCette étude se veut une contribution à la caractérisation de la qualité des eaux souterraines du sous
bassin du Massili, par l’analyse des pesticides dans 40 échantillons d’eau de puits et de forages peu
profonds. La méthode de la chromatographie en phase gazeuse, utilisant les chromatographes de type
GC-HP5 (30 m, 0,25 mm, 0,25 μm) couplé avec le spectromètre de masse, et celle du type GC-μCDE
(Optima-5MS 0,25 mm, 0,25 μm), ont permis de montrer que 77,5% des échantillons d’eau analysés
sont contaminés par des résidus de pesticides. Le Penconazol, le Monocrotophos, le Triadimefon, le
Propiconazol et le Cyfluthrin sont les molécules les plus fréquentes dans les échantillons d’eau
prélevés. Les teneurs totales par échantillon pollué varient de 0,05 μgl-1 à 0,92 μgl-1. Ces concentrations
totales sont en dessous de celle de la norme de l’Union Européenne et de l’Organisation Mondiale de
la Santé qui est de 1 μgl-1. Cependant, ces eaux souterraines doivent faire l’objet de suivi, vu l’intensité
des activités maraichères et agricoles menées à leur proximité. Des traces d’organochlorés tels que
Aldrine, Heptachlore, Op’DDT, Cis-Heptachlore-Exo-Epoxide, 2,4’DDE, 4,4’-DDE et Endrine,
interdits par la convention de Rotterdam, sont identifiées dans 7 échantillons d’eau. L’Heptachlore est
détecté dans les échantillons Pabré Saint Joseph F1 et Laye F1, respectivement à des teneurs de 0,03
μgl-1 et 0,043 μgl-1. Ces teneurs sont légèrement au-dessus de la norme de l’Union européenne (0,03
μgl-1), dans les échantillons Pabré Saint Joseph F1 et Laye F1, respectivement à des teneurs de 0,03
μgl-1 et 0,043 μgl-1. Les résultats montrent que les nappes peu profondes du sous bassin du Massili
sont exposées à la pollution aux pesticides utilisés dans les activités agricoles et maraichères.
Issaka OUEDRAOGO, Jérôme COMPAORE, Jean-Marie DIPAMALe changement climatique est considéré aujourd’hui comme l’une des plus grandes
préoccupations de la planète. Il entraine des conséquences désastreuses sur les écosystèmes et la vie des
populations, et singulièrement pour les plus vulnérables dans les pays les moins avancés (PMA). Avec
une population à plus de 70% rurale dont de 51,3% de femmes, le Burkina Faso est particulièrement
impacté par les aléas climatiques du fait de sa forte dépendance aux secteurs sensibles au climat tels que
l’agriculture et l’élevage. La présente recherche vise à étudier le niveau d’accès à l’information
climatologique selon le genre. Elle a pour objectifs d’analyser la perception et la connaissance des
communautés sur le changement climatique en fonction du genre et discuter de l’accès aux services
climatiques et la prise de mesures adaptées en fonction du genre et des informations reçues. Les
résultats de cette étude démontrent 81,89% des personnes enquêtées reçoivent des informations sur le
climat. Cependant les populations ne sont pas systématiquement impliquées ou consultées pour la
production desdits services climatiques dont elles ont besoin. Particulièrement pour les femmes, seules
une infime part (1,66%) y est impliquée alors qu’elles disposent de besoins spécifiques en lien avec leur