Publications (142)

Bio-guided Fractionation: Optimization of Chemical Profiling, Antioxidant, anti-Inflammatory and Antibacterial Properties of Vitex doniana Fruits

Article Bio-guided Fractionation: Optimization of Chemical Profiling, Antioxidant, anti-Inflammatory and Antibacterial Properties of Vitex doniana Fruits Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences (2022) Raymond BARRY KIESSOUN KONATÉ Abdoudramane SANOU Yérobessor DABIRE Mamoudou H. DICKO, Prof.

Correlating the morphology of Anacardium occidentale L. fruits from 30 orchards with their physicochemical and nutritional properties

Roger DAKUYO KIESSOUN KONATÉ David Bazie Abdoudramane SANOU Kabakdé KABORE Hemayoro SAMA Balmoussa SANTARA Anderson F. KONKOBO Mamoudou H. DICKO, Prof.

Phytochemistry and Alternative use of Sweeteners in Metabolic Diseases

31. KABORE Ibrahim, Mamounata DIAO1, Samson GUENNE, Amana METUOR-DABIRE,, Hemayoro SAMA, Alin CIOBICA, Adama HILOU, Martin KIENDREBEOGO and Mamoudou H. DICKO