Détails Publication
Silicon solar cell under electromagnetic wave in steady state: effect of the telecommunication source's power of radiation,
Auteur(s): I Zerbo, M Zoungrana, A D Seré, F Zougmoré
Renseignée par : ZERBO Issa

The characterisation of minority carriers’ recombination parameters is important to design any optoelectronic component, since they play an important role in the device performance. Many diagnostic techniques, steady state, quasi-steady state, transient and modulation methods for both the experimental and theoretical measurement have been developed for the determination of single or several recombination parameters. Many studies on recombination and electrical parameters of solar cells under constant magnetic field and / or electric field in the bulk due to carrier concentration have been proposed with one or three dimensional approach. In previous works, we study the effects of electromagnetic waves on silicon solar cell recombination parameters by changing the distance between the 2 MW power of radiation AM antenna and the solar cell. This work presents a one dimensional study of the influence of telecommunication source’s power of radiation on a silicon solar cell illuminated by a white light in steady state. The telecommunication sources which can be an AM radio antenna or a FM radio antenna radiate electromagnetic waves. Electric field intensity depends on the power of radiation and the distance between the electric field intensity measurement point and the antenna. The magneto transport equations of excess minority carriers are solved with new boundary conditions. New analytical expressions of minority carriers’ density, photo-current density, back surface recombination velocity, intrinsic junction recombination velocity and photo voltage depending on electromagnetic field intensity are established. The effects of electromagnetic field on photo-current density, back surface recombination velocity, intrinsic junction recombination velocity and photo- voltage by making vary the antenna power of radiation are then analysed. We analyze also the effects of electromagnetic field on the electric power delivered by the solar cell to an external charge. Thus, using the maximum of electric power delivered by the solar cell to an external charge, we deduce the solar cell conversion efficiency. The analysis of electromagnetic field effects on the silicon solar cell put out the influence of AM radio antenna or FM radio antenna on recombination parameters.

