Publications renseignées(142)

In Vivo Diuretic Activity and Anti-Hypertensive Potential of Hibiscus sabdariffa Extract by Inhibition of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme and Hypertension Precursor Enzymes

Abdoudramane SANOU KIESSOUN KONATÉ Lazare Belemnaba Hemayoro SAMA Kabakdé KABORE Roger DAKUYO Mathieu NITIEMA Mamoudou H. DICKO Prof.

Analysis of the nutritional composition and organization of school meals in the province of Kadiogo in Burkina Faso: challenges and prospects

Compaore W. R. Ella Marie Michèle, OUEDRAOGO Ousmane, TIATOU Souho, BENGALY Marcel D., SIMPORE Mamouna P. , DICKO Mamoudou H.

Evaluation of the Physicochemical, Microbiological Quality and Acceptability of Nectars and Jams from Vitex doniana Fruit

4. Poussian Raymond Barry, Kourfom Gorga, Elisabeth Rakisewendé Ouedraogo, Frédéric Anderson Konkobo, Edwige Noelle Roamba, Salamata Tiendrebeogo, Mamounata Diao, Sandrine Zongo, Balamoussa Santara, Kiessoun Konaté, and Mamoudou H. DICKO (

Optimisation du pouvoir épuratoire des graines de Moringa oleifera dans le procédé de potabilisation des eaux au Burkina Faso

Frédéric Anderson KONKOBO, Mamounata DIAO, Noëlle Edwige ROAMBA, Roger DAKUYO, Paul Windinpsidi SAVADOGO; Mamoudou Hama DICKO

Potentiel phyico-chimique et nutritionnel de quinze cultivars de sorgho du Burkina Faso

David Bazié, Clarisse Pulcherie Kondombo, Crépin Ibingou Dibala, Mamounata Diao, Hemayoro Sama, Adéchola Pierre Polycarpe Kayodé , Mamoudou H. Dicko