Publications renseignées(142)

Proximate Composition and Nutritional Potential of Saba Senegalensis Fruit from Three Climatic Regions in Burkina Faso

YAO Konan K. Toussaint, Marius K. Somda, Mahamadi Nikiema, Iliassou Mogmenga, Yerobessor Dabire, Assietta Ouattara, Donatien Kabore & Mamoudou H. DICKO

Comparison of nutritional, bioactive potential and antioxidant properties of Saba senegalensis fruit pulps from five regions of Burkina Faso

Salamata TIENDREBEOGO, Clarisse Sidbewendé COMPAORE, Raymond Poussian BARRY, Edwige Bahanla OBOULBIGA, Mamoudou H. DICKO, Prof

Physicochemical Properties of Oil of Polygala multiflora Poir. Grown in Burkina Faso

Hortense Noumpao Rachelle Bougoussaré, Marius K. SOMDA, Hemayoro SAMA, Yerobessor DABIRE, Iliassou Mogmenga Mahamadi Nikiema, Assietta Ouattara, Donatien KABORE, Mamoudou H. DICKO Prof.