Détails Publication
The unit bundle of a real hyperbolic space,
Lien de l'article: https://doi.org/10.17654/0972415X24007
Discipline: Mathématiques
Auteur(s): Alfred Touré, Daniel Koama, Mikaïlou Compaoré, Marie Françoise Ouedraogo
Auteur(s) tagués:
OUEDRAOGO Marie Françoise
Renseignée par : OUEDRAOGO Marie Françoise
The purpose of this article is to study the two homogeneous structures of the unit bundle UH^n of a real hyperbolic space. In both the cases, we determine the -invariant Riemannian metrics. In passing, we examine whether the geodesic flow is an isometry of UH^n when equipped with its Levi-Civita metric. Finally, we study the manifold of geodesics of H^n
seen as a homogeneous space.
hyperbolic space, isotropy representations, unit bundle