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Public transport by bus in Ouagadougou: An analysis of the challenges and issues,
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Discipline: Géographie
Auteur(s): ZOMA Vincent
Auteur(s) tagués: ZOMA Vincent
Renseignée par : ZOMA Vincent

Public transport is a fundamental issue in the urban dynamic of Ouagadougou, a city where the majority of journeys are made on foot or by two-wheeler. This article analyses the challenges and issues of public bus transport in the capital of Burkina Faso. Through a survey of students, the study sheds light on users' perceptions of these aspects. SOTRACO, the main bus operator, faces a number of challenges, particularly in terms of punctuality, network reliability, comfort and service efficiency. The results show that 84% of people surveyed consider bus punctuality to be unsatisfactory, which is holding back the adoption of this mode of transport. However, the low frequency of bus breakdowns was seen as an advantage by 62% of users. Road congestion and safety are other important issues, although they are often underestimated. The analysis also highlights the fact that modernising infrastructure and raising user awareness could improve the attractiveness of buses in Ouagadougou. Finally, this study suggests ways of optimising the public transport network and increasing its take-up, such as introducing bus-only corridors and better network management.


Urban mobility, public transport, Bus, SOTRACO, Ouagadougou
