Détails Publication
Effects of climate change on public health in Burkina Faso: A literature review,
Discipline: Géographie
Auteur(s): ZOMA Vincent
Auteur(s) tagués: ZOMA Vincent
Renseignée par : ZOMA Vincent

This literature review explores the effects of climate change on public health in Burkina Faso. The aim is to understand how climate hazards exacerbate the vulnerability of populations, particularly in rural areas, and to analyse the complex interactions between these factors. Disruptions to agricultural systems caused by climate change have a direct impact on food security and, consequently, public health. The study highlights the need for an integrated approach between the health and agriculture sectors to improve the resilience of populations. Dietary diversification and the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices are identified as essential levers for preventing diseases linked to malnutrition. In addition, partnerships between governments, NGOs and local communities are crucial to mobilising the necessary resources. Interdisciplinary research, including public health, agronomy and climatology, is presented as a driving force for innovative solutions adapted to local specificities. Finally, capacity-building at all levels is recommended, with particular emphasis on training local players and awareness-raising campaigns. In this context, public health must be seen as a central pillar of adaptation to climate change in order to improve collective resilience in Burkina Faso.


Climate change, impact, public health, Burkina Faso
