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Éléments de la deixis spatio-temporelle du birifor,
Auteur(s): TIROGO Issoufou François et KAMBOU Bagboulissan Gilbert
Auteur(s) tagués: TIROGO Issoufou François
Renseignée par : TIROGO Issoufou François

This paper proposes an analysis of the elements of the spatio-temporal deixis of Birifor, a dialect of Dagara. It gives an overview of the system of deictics whose functioning is specific to Birifor speech. It is therefore the study of the different factors that come into play in the case of spatio-temporal deixis. Indeed, the deixis in Birifor occupies an important place in the speech, in the sense that most of the sentences contain a plurality of deictics referring to the situation in space, in time, to the position of the interlocutors and the enunciator. From an exhaustive corpus and inspired by the linguistics of enunciation, the analysis of the facts revealed to us that the system of deictics in birifor is closely linked to the systems of representation of the person, space and time. Thus, five types of linguistic units
fall within the scope of the expression of spatio-temporal deixis in Birifor. These are demonstratives, presentatives,
adverbs, locatives and directionals.


deictic, syllable structure, syntactic function
