Détails Publication
Effect of planting dates on the quantitative traits of Solenostemon rotundifolius [(Poir.) J. K. Morton],
Lien de l'article: 10.5897/AJB2024.17667
Auteur(s): Ignace Tonde, Zakaria Kiebre and Romaric K. Nanema
Renseignée par : KIEBRE Zakaria

The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of the planting date on quantitative traits of S.
rotundifolius. To this end, twelve accessions of S. rotundifolius, including six (6) from Burkina Faso and
six (6) from Ghana, were subjected to agro-morphological evaluations using a Fisher block design with
three replications on three dates: April 3rd (D1); June 3rd (D2) and July 8th (D3). Fourteen (14)
quantitative traits related to the canopy and leaf size, the cycle, and the yield were recorded.
Comparative analysis of the performance of accessions according to planting dates revealed significant
differences for all the traits. These results showed that late planting (July) resulted in low canopy size.
Late maturing of the accessions was observed in the case of early planting (April). Planting in June (D2)
resulted in good yielding and large canopy development. These results revealed that the planting date
is a crucial parameter in S. rotundifolius phenotype. They could be useful for developing suitable
agronomic practices for S. rotundifolius production and for breeding purposes.


agro-morphological evaluation, agronomic practices, NUS, Agronomy
