Détails Publication
Evaluation of the Physicochemical, Microbiological Quality and Acceptability of Nectars and Jams from Vitex doniana Fruit,
Auteur(s): 4. Poussian Raymond Barry, Kourfom Gorga, Elisabeth Rakisewendé Ouedraogo, Frédéric Anderson Konkobo, Edwige Noelle Roamba, Salamata Tiendrebeogo, Mamounata Diao, Sandrine Zongo, Balamoussa Santara, Kiessoun Konaté, and Mamoudou H. DICKO (
Renseignée par : DICKO Mamoudou Hama

This study consisted in the formulation and evaluation of the organoleptic, physicochemical, and microbiological qualities of nectars and jam prepared from Vitex doniana fruit. Nectars (five types) consisted of two acidulated with lemon, two acidulated with tamarind with pH values of 3.45 and 3.55, and a control. Jams (three types) were made as one acidulated with lemon, one acidulated with tamarind with a pH value of 3.88, and a control with a pH value of 4.44. The Brix values were 10.75 and 60.00 for all nectars and jam, respectively. The total sugar content of the nectars ranged from 9 52 ± 0 04 (NC1) to 9 11 ± 0 03% (T) and that of the jams from 58 27 ± 0 02% to 49 97 ± 0 01%. It appeared that prepared nectar and jam samples were of good microbiological quality, confirming compliance with good hygiene and manufacturing practices throughout the process and compliance with Algerian and Luxembourg standards.


Vitex doniana, nectar
