The issue of care for older people brings up a number of concerns in African cities,which are characterized by rapid urban growth, economic crisis, transformationin social relationships, and the near absence of institutional support for older peo-ple. Based on quantitative and qualitative data collected through the OuagadougouHealth and Demographic Surveillance System (Ouagadougou HDSS, 2010-2017),this article examines the situation of older men and women living in the capitalof Burkina Faso, whether they have always lived there or moved there from else-where. It aims to better understand the vulnerabilities of these older people, whatbecomes of them over time, and the issues and family dynamics that surround them.The results highlight important differences according to the sex and migration sta-tus of older people as determinants of vulnerabilities and emphasize the role intheir care played by the sociocultural context.
Older men and women, vulnerabilities, gender inequalities, migrants, Burkina Faso