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Soil characterization and potentiality to improve two Bambara groundnut varieties cropping under rock phosphate fertilization at sudano-sahelian climate of Burkina Faso,
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Auteur(s): ZONGO Koulibi Fidèle, NANDKANGRE Hervé, GUEBRE Daouda, SANON Abdramane, KAMBOU Diane Judicaëlle, KABORE Paligwendé, OUOBA Adjima , Edmond Hien4, and Mahama Ouedraogo5
Auteur(s) tagués: GUEBRE Daouda ; HIEN Edmond
Renseignée par : GUEBRE Daouda

Bambara groundnut is a food seed legume with enormous agronomic and nutritional potential. However, it remains a neglected crop. In order to improve its productivity in relation to soil and climatic conditions, the present study was conducted in Tenkodogo from July to October 2021. Soil characterization was carried out according to FAO guidelines directives before the setting up of experimental device. Experimental design consisted of the trial following a completely randomized block design with four replications. The effects of applying of 0 (BP0), 30 (BP30), 60 (BP60), 90 (BP90) and 120 (BP120) kg ha-1 of Burkina phosphate (BP) on two varieties KVS246 and KVS 235 of Bambara groundnut were compared. Crop management consisted of a flat plowing, direct application of BP, sowing distances of 0.40 m x 0.20 m and ridging on the 49th day after sowing. Results showed that the soil of experimental site are an iron and manganese sesquioxide’s soils class, specifically to shallow leached ferruginous tropical soil and should corresponding an endo petroplinthic lixisol. This acidic soil is characterized by a sandy surface texture and clay at depth, well drained, with low mineral content. In reference to the research results, the soil and climatic conditions of experimental site are potentially suitable for Bambara groundnut cropping. Treatments not significantly improved Bambara groundnut yields by verities. On this soil, the variety KVS 246 would better interact with applying of 60 and 90 kg ha-1 of BP and the variety KVS 235 with 120 kg ha-1 of BP to improve Bambara groundnut yield parameters compared to the control. Further research is needed over several years to better understand the effects of rock phosphate on Bambara groundnut crop and residual soil fertility.


Soil characterization, potentiality, Burkina phosphate, Bambara groundnut, yields
