Détails Publication
Construction of a Core Ontology of Endogenous Knowledge on Agricultural Techniques: OntoEndo,
Lien de l'article: hƩps://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1 007/978-3-031-34896-9_12
Discipline: Informatique et sciences de l'information
Auteur(s): H Trawina, S Malo, I Diop, Y Traore
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Renseignée par : NASSA TRAWINA Halguièta
Several resources have been identified on endogenous agro-sylvo-pastoral techniques, but some of them remain unformalized data. In a context of climate change (CC), it is essential to take into account this endogenous knowledge on agricultural techniques as an adaptation measure. We propose in this paper to build an ontology of this endogenous agricultural knowledge. Our methodology identifies the terms on agricultural techniques that will be formalized and used to build the OntoEndo ontology. OntoEndo will allow the construction, co-construction
and sharing of agricultural techniques for climate change adaptation.
Methodology, Ontology, Endogenous knowledge, Climate change