Détails Publication
Epidemiological, Diagnostic, Therapeutic and Evolutionary Profile of Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC) in the Oncology-Hematology Service, Burkina Faso,
Auteur(s): Bambara Hierrhum Aboubacar, Zoure Abdou Azaque, Zerbo Nina Assanatou Jumelle, Yameogo Prisca Emmanuelle Aida, Adico Marc Donald Wilfried, Odero-Marah Valérie
Auteur(s) tagués: BAMBARA Hierrhum Aboubacar
Renseignée par : BAMBARA Hierrhum Aboubacar

Introduction: Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) represents a particular clinical entity characterized by its rarity,
rapid evolutionary pace and pejorative prognosis. This was a retrospective descriptive study from January 01, 2020 to June 30, 2022 in the clinical oncology-hematology service of CHU B. This study included 62 patients with inflammatory breast cancer. The diagnosis of IBC was clinical as defined by the American Joint Cancer Committee (AJCC) with a diagnosis of anatomopathological confirmation. IBC accounted for 37.57% of breast cancers reported during our study period. The average age of patients was 47 years. The age range of [40 years-50] represented 37.09% followed by those of [50 years-60 years] and [60 years-70] with each 19.35%. The average consultation time was 12 months. Signs of inflammation were found in all patients followed by the presence of nodules during clinical examination. Infiltrating ductal carcinoma accounted for 95% of cases followed by infiltrating lobular carcinoma in 3%. Modified Scarff Bloom Richardson grade II (mSBR) was encountered in 93.5% of cases followed by mSBR grade III with 6.5%. Only 11 patients (17.74%) were able to perform immunohistochemistry. Thus, the results found 43% and 23% respectively of type luminal A and luminal B and 23% classified type Triple negative. Chemotherapy was performed in 51 patients (82.25%) and was palliative in 32 patients (62.74%). Ten (10) patients underwent surgery including 9 mastectomies with axillary dissection (90%). Radiotherapy was performed in 02 patients (3.22%). Median survival was 05 months and overall survival at 12 months was 23%. Finally, IBC is a fairly common pathology according to this study and affects especially young women under 50 years. Its management is complex by the fact that specific examinations and anti-cancer are difficult to access.


Inflammatory Breast Cancer, Profile
