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Cost-effectiveness of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in Burkina Faso: a modelling study,
Auteur(s): Joël Arthur Kiendrébéogo, Annick Raissa O. Sidibe, Ghislain Bertrand Compaoré, Relwendé Nacanabo, Orokia Sory, Issa Ouédraogo, Saira Nawaz, Anne E Schuind & Andrew Clark
Auteur(s) tagués: KIENDREBEOGO Joël Arthur
Renseignée par : KIENDREBEOGO Joël Arthur

Africa has some of the highest cervical cancer incidence and mortality rates globally. Burkina Faso launched a human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination programme for 9-year-old girls in 2022 with support from Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance (Gavi). An economic evaluation of HPV vaccination is required to help sustain investment and inform decisions about optimal HPV vaccine choices.

We used a proportionate outcomes static cohort model to evaluate the potential impact and cost-effectiveness of HPV vaccination for 9-year-old girls over a ten-year period (2022–2031) in Burkina Faso. The primary outcome measure was the cost (2022 US$) per disability-adjusted life year (DALY) averted from a limited societal perspective (including all vaccine costs borne by the government and Gavi, radiation therapy costs borne by the government, and all other direct medical costs borne by patients and their families). We evaluated four vaccines (CERVARIX®, CECOLIN®, GARDASIL-4®, GARDASIL-9®), comparing each to no vaccination (and no change in existing cervical cancer screening and treatment strategies) and to each other. We combined local estimates of HPV type distribution, healthcare costs, vaccine coverage and costs with GLOBOCAN 2020 disease burden data and clinical trial efficacy data. We ran deterministic and probabilistic uncertainty analyses.

HPV vaccination could prevent 37–72% of cervical cancer cases and deaths. CECOLIN® had the most favourable cost-effectiveness (cost per DALY averted 


HPV vaccine, Economic evaluation, Cost-effectiveness, Modelling study, Burkina Faso
