The map is based on extensive fieldwork and complementary photo-interpretation. Field mapping was undertaken at 1:10 000 scale on the basis of a Lidar digital elevation model converted into topographic sheets with 1-m contours. Coverage of the study area required 60 days of fieldwork during the years 2017 and 2018. Around 300 km of itinerary was covered on foot. Geomorphological observations, regolith description and sampling were carried out at more than 700 stations. Twenty landform-regolith association units were defined, which are of four types: (i) landform-regolith associations of Paleogene Etchplain, (ii) landform-regolith associations of Neogene Pediment/Glacis systems, (iii) landform-regolith associations of erosional terrains, (iv) landform-regolith associations of the active pediplain. A summary of the identification criteria of the map units and their potential use for economic geology purpose are provided in Sawadogo et al. (2020).
Mapping, Geomorphology, Regolith, Laterite, Paleolandsurface, Geochemical anomaly