Détails Publication
A Vegetable Oil as Heat Transfer Fluid for Parabolic Trough Collector: Dynamic Performance Analysis under Ouagadougou Climate Conditions,
Lien de l'article: 10.3390/materproc2022011006
Auteur(s): Boubou Bagré , Sié Zacharie Kam, Yomi Woro Gounkaou , Makinta Boukar , Ibrahim Kolawole Muritala ,Harouna Sani Dan Nomao , Korsaga Armand , Antoine Beré 2and Tizane Daho
Auteur(s) tagués: DAHO Tizane
Renseignée par : DAHO Tizane

Citation: Bagré, B.; Kam, S.Z.; Gounkaou, Y.W.; Boukar, M.; Muritala, I.K.; Nomao, H.S.D.; Armand, K.; Beré, A.; Daho, T. A Vegetable Oil as Heat Transfer Fluid for Parabolic Trough Collector: Dynamic Performance Analysis under Ouagadougou Climate Conditions. Abstract: In this study, the thermal performance of the parabolic trough collector (PTC) has been addressed under Ouagadougou climate conditions. Thus, after developing a model, the effect of mass flow on PTC performance showed that the Jatropha curcas oil (JCO) temperature difference increases when the mass flow rate (. m) decreases while the thermal efficiency (η th) increases. For. m of 1 kg s −1 , a collector length of 46.8 m or collection area of 230 m 2 is required to obtain an outlet temperature of 210 • C with an average η th of 82.69%. This paper can support the decision for a demonstration plant implementation regarding JCO use in the CSP plant.


collector; vegetable oil; thermal performance
