Détails Publication
GHASP: an Hα kinematical survey of spiral galaxies - XI. Distribution of luminous and dark matter in spiral and irregular nearby galaxies using WISE photometry,
Auteur(s): M. Korsaga, C. Carignan, P. Amram, B. Epinat and T.H. Jarrett
Auteur(s) tagués: KORSAGA Marie
Renseignée par : KORSAGA Marie

We present the mass distribution of a sample of 121 nearby galaxies with high-quality optical velocity fields and available infrared Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer(WISE) 3.4 μm data. Contrary to previous studies, this sample covers all morphological types and is not biased towards late-type galaxies. These galaxies are part of the Fabry-Perot kinematical Gassendi HAlpha survey of SPirals survey of spirals and irregular nearby galaxies. Combining the kinematical data to the WISE surface brightness data probing the emission from the old stellar population, we derive mass models allowing us to compare the luminous to the dark matter (DM) halo mass distribution in the optical regions of those galaxies. DM models are constructed using the isothermal core profile and the Navarro-Frenk-White cuspy profile. We allow the mass-to-light ratio (M/L) of the baryonic disc to vary or we keep it fixed, constrained by stellar evolutionary models (WISE W1-W2 colour) and we carry out best fit (BFM) and pseudo-isothermal maximum disc (MDM) models. We found that the MDM provides M/L values four times higher than the BFM, suggesting that disc components, on average, tend to be maximal. The main results are: (i) the rotation curves of most galaxies are better fitted with core rather than cuspy profiles; and (ii) the relation between the parameters of the DM and of the luminous matter components mostly depends on morphological types. More precisely, the distribution of the DM inside galaxies depends on whether or not the galaxy has a bulge.


galaxies: haloes; galaxies: irregular; galaxies: kinematics and dynamics; galaxies: spiral; dark matter; Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
