Détails Publication
Internally Displaced Persons and Socio-territorial Integration in the Commune of Kaya in Burkina Faso: A Sustainable Solution Study,
Auteur(s): Zongo Sylvestre, Ouedraogo Ibrahim and Soma Assonsi
Auteur(s) tagués: SOMA Assonsi
Renseignée par : SOMA Assonsi

Burkina Faso, previously spared from destabilization of all kinds, suffered its first terrorist acts in April 2015 in Samorogouan. These first terrorist acts were followed by several others that led to the forced internal displacement of nearly 2,000,000 people. These IDPs have chosen 301 municipalities spread across the 13 regions of the country as destinations for refuge. The main objective of this study is to analyse the living conditions and socio-territorial integration of IDPs and durable solutions to address the crisis of forced internal displacement in the commune of Kaya. The research methodology consisted of conducting a literature review on the study topic, collecting primary data through field surveys, interviews and direct observations in the study area. The results of this study show that IDPs in Kaya commune face precarious living conditions. On the other hand, their conditions for socio-territorial integration are good in view of the cordial relations that the IDPs maintain with the host populations of the commune. In addition, durable solutions to address the forced internal displacement crisis include the resettlement of IDPs in other parts of the country, return to areas of origin and integration in IDP-hosting areas. These solutions could address forced internal displacement and address those affected. This would facilitate the reintegration or socio-territorial integration of IDPs either in their areas of origin or in their reception areas.


Internally displaced persons; socio-territorial integration; durable solutions; crisis; kaya
