Détails Publication
Multiple pulp necroses in a patient with heterozygous sickle cell disease: A case report,
Lien de l'article: doi: 10.14744/TEJ.2023.14632
Auteur(s): Wendpoulomdé Aimé Désiré Kaboré, Stéphane Xavier Djolé, Kouadio Florent Kouakou, Anta Seck, Marie Chantal Avoaka-Boni, Yolande Gnagne-Koffi
Renseignée par : KABORE Wendpoulomdé Aimé Désiré

This study reports several pulp necroses in a patient with sickle cell disease (SCD), a pathology with a high risk of infection which can lead to life-threatening patients. An African male patient with SCD, 31 years old, was received at the municipal oral health center on June 4, 2002, for a pericoronitis of 48 which quickly evolved into cellulitis. The treatment consisted of removing 48. He was seen in 2006 for pain while chewing. Intraoral examination showed dyschromia of 44, 45, 46, and 47. Teeth 46 and 47 presented acute apical periodontitis which were endodontically treated. In 2019, tooth 47 which is painful is removed. X-ray panoramic showed apical translucent images on several teeth. On December 13, 2021, he was received with a depressible palatal swelling due to 12. Endodontic treatment is performed under curative antibiotic therapy. Conclusion: Regular oral monitoring of patients with SCD must be
implemented to prevent severe complications with life-threatening.


Endodontic treatment; multiple pulp necroses; sickle cell disease
