Détails Publication
Contribution of Simulation to the Skills Laboratory for the Learning of Obstetrical Examination in an African Setting with Limited Resources,
Auteur(s): Hyacinthe Zamane, Dantola Paul Kain, Sibraogo Kiemtore, Wendlassida Rabiia’h Sawadogo, Ali Ouedraogo, Blandine Bonane Thieba.
Renseignée par : KAIN Dantola Paul

Objective: To evaluate the interest of the simulation in the learning of the obstetric examination of parturient by medical students.
Materials and me-thods: It was an analytical cross-sectional study that took place from 1 to 28 February 2020 at the Yalgado Ouedraogo Teaching Hospital in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. The study population was made up of medical students at the Doctorate II level. The previous experience of the students in the obstetric examination of the parturient, the contribution of the simulation on their feelings and on their skills towards this examination were studied. The Mc Nemar Chi 2 test was used to compare percentages on paired samples.
The level of difficulty in performing the obstetrical examination in the parturient evolved downwards after the practice of the simulation. The stress level to perform the obstetric exam has been significantly reduced. On the other
hand, confidence has increased. The students’ ability to appreciate each of the elements of the obstetric examination studied had improved after the practice of simulation.
Conclusion: The simulation in the skills laboratory was a great contribution and the acquisition of models of better fidelity would help to improve the contribution to the confidence building and the acquisition of skills by learners.


Simulation, Skills Laboratory, Obstetrical Examination, student
