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What Made the Difference in My Education?,
Auteur(s): Bertille Kélan Ki
Auteur(s) tagués: KI Kelan Bertille
Renseignée par : KI Kelan Bertille

Life is not easy for a girl growing up in sub-Saharan Africa: poverty, marginalization. In the local
conception, the girl should only be educated to be a good housewife. So going to school is not a
priority as far as girls are concerned. I studied medicine at the Joseph Ki-Zerbo University
of Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso. During my internships, two of my teachers passed
on not just knowledge, but also their passion for Anesthesia and Intensive care. I have been graduated in Anesthesia and intensive care in 2010 at the Abomey Calavi University. All along my pathway, many teachers impressed me by the way they gave their lessons—at ease, open to questions, so logical and clear that I often forgot to take notes. And their support enabled me to pass the exams of associate professor in 2020. When I asked one of my mentors why he did all this for me and how I could ever thank him, he answered, “Your turn will come to do the same for your students.” Today, I am a teacher too. This is now my pledge: Not to have a title, but to share the knowledge, skills, life lessons, and experiences related to that title.

