Détails Publication
Consumption behaviour and nutritional quality of leguminous from Burkina Faso,
Auteur(s): . HAMA-BA Fatouma, SIEDOGO Maimouna, OUEDRAOGO M., Dao A., Mamoudou H. DICKO, and Brehima DIAWARA
Auteur(s) tagués: DICKO Mamoudou Hama
Renseignée par : DICKO Mamoudou Hama

In Burkina Faso legumes are an important source of nutrients for the populations. This
study focused on the nutritional value and the place of legumes in the household diet.
The study areas were Ouagadougou, Kaya, Lebda and Nobere. The methodology
consisted of measurements of macronutrients and minerals iron, zinc contents and a
survey from 325 households. The main legumes consumed in the households are
groundnut (Arachis hypogea L.), cowpea (Vigna unguiculate L.), voandzou (Vigna
subterranean L.), soybean (Glycine max L.) and zamnè (Acacia macrostachya R.).
Groundnut, cowpea and voandzou are consumed more than 2 to 4 times in a month by
all households in the form of meals within households while soybeans and zamnè are
eaten outside the household. The other legumes are consumed at any time by more than
80% of the households surveyed, except for the voandzou, which is consumed at lunch
by 38.30% of households in Ouagadougou, 60% in Kaya, 66.67% in Lebda and 43.18%
in Nobéré. Cowpeas, voandou and zamnè legumes added to cereals are eaten as main
dishes by respectively 99%, 93% and 76% of households. Groundnut and soybean are
used as an ingredient or as a snack. Legumes have high contents of protein, 35.76%,
31.04%, 27.29%, 22.55% and 20.38% respectively for zamne, soybean, groundnut,
cowpea and voandzou. Lipid contents are low and contribute less than 7% to the energy
value. Cowpeas and voandzou have high carbohydrate contents, nearly 60%. The iron
contents of legumes vary from 1.77 mg/100 g (voandzou) to 6.50 mg/100 g (soybean).
Those in zinc range from 5.34 mg/100 g (zamnè) to 4.33 mg/100 g (soybean). Soybean
and zamnè have high calcium contents, respectively 57.42 mg/100g and 68.40 mg/100g.
Soybean and zamnè require special attention because of the fortification of local product.
of their interesting nutritional value in micronutrients. The diversification of products
derived from these legumes and the methods of consumption within the households will
allow a better profiling of the nutritional benefit of legumes for the populations.


Légumineuses, importance, consommation, ménages, nutriments, urbain, rural
