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An Analysis of Sogokire Verb System : Focus on its Verb Group,
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Auteur(s): Sanon/Ouattara Féridjou Emilie Georgette, Millogo Gerard
Renseignée par : SANON / OUATTARA F. Emilie Georgette

This study explores Sↄgↄkiré verb system, shedding light on the complex grammatical nuances that shape this dialect verbal structure. Sↄgↄkiré, a dialect of the Bↄbↄda language, occupies a unique linguistic space in the Western region of Burkina Faso. One way to revitalize indigenous languages like Sↄgↄkiré is to establish its documentation. It is in this regard that this paper examines Sↄgↄkiré verb system through Creisseils’ (2006) eclectic lexicalist approach which provides a strong foundation for our research, as it has been successful in many African language
description, especially Mande languages. We employed a qualitative methodology to collect in-depth information. The data were obtained through recording of Sↄgↄkiré native speakers’ natural speeches via a semi-structured interview guide in Satiri Department located to the North-East of Bobo-Dioulasso. The results of the study reveal the Sↄgↄkiré verb group structure in simple sentences including subject + object + (preverb) + verb and object + (preverb) + verb + subject in transitive sentences, and subject + verb + complement in intransitive sentences. Additionally, the verb group is structured as (negation)+ (auxiliary) + (positive)+ verb + (negation). The results also show the verb markers in conjugation of Sↄgↄkiré, which consists of auxiliaries, verb inflection markers. Finally, the findings reveal that the verb markers express aspects, mood and number. And their operation is highly dependent on context and the transitivity of the sentence in the dialect.


Sↄgↄkiré, verb group, verb markers
