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Comparaison de formulations de saucisse produites en utilisant les épices et ingrédients du Kilishi,
Lien de l'article: www.viandesetproduitscarnes.com
Auteur(s): 52. Stéphanie Carine Wendkuni Tiendrebeogo, Donatien Kabore, Abel Tankoano, Mélaine Windnongdo Nelly Kabore, Aicha Derra, Adama Pare, Fatoumata Hama-Ba, Mamoudou Hama Dicko et Hagrétou Sawadogo- Lingani
Auteur(s) tagués: DICKO Mamoudou Hama
Renseignée par : DICKO Mamoudou Hama

n Burkina Faso, butchers have many difficulties amongst which figure the high cost and unavailability on the local market of spices and
ingredients for the fabrication of delicatessens. Most spices and ingredients that are used in the production of thin strips of seasoned dried meat
(Kilishi) are available on the local market and are also used as seasoning for grilled meat that is highly appreciated by the population. Kilishi
spices and ingredients could be used to produce delicatessens that respond to culinary and cultural habits of Burkinabe consumers at low cost.
The current study is aimed at developing a technology for sausage production that incorporates Kilishi spices and ingredients. In the current
study, six sausage formulations were produced. The microbiological, sensorial and physicochemical qualities of the sausages were evaluated.
The results show that all six sausage formulations studied allowed products of good nutritional, microbiological and sensorial quality. Amongst
the six formulations of sausages produced, the formulation 5 was the most appreciated by the sensorial analysis jury. The particularity of this
formulation is that it contained all types of spices and ingredients usually used when producing Kilishi and the white beef stock used as a natural
flavor enhancer was present in higher amounts than with the other formulations. However, the control formulation was also well appreciated by
the jury but just after that of the formulation 5. It contained a large amount of spices and ingredients but also contained a flavor enhancer like
monosodium glutamate (an industrial glutamate). The current study will contribute to the diversification of meat products in Burkina Faso.


saucisses, Kilishi, formulation, technologie
