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Système de production du piment (Capsicum spp.) au Burkina Faso,
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Auteur(s): WAONGO Lucienne*, KIEBRE Mariam, BELEM Mahamadi, and BATIONO/KANDO Pauline
Auteur(s) tagués: BATIONO Pauline
Renseignée par : BATIONO Pauline

In Burkina Faso, chilli cultivation has been receiving renewed attention over the last ten years. It is practiced in all regions of the country. However, there is little data on the production systems of this crop.
The objective of this study is to draw up an inventory of endogenous chilli production systems in Burkina Faso in order to lay the foundations for better development of the sector.
It appears that chilli production is mainly practiced by men (92.19%). Concerning the cropping system, pepper is produced all year round (wet season and dry season), in monoculture (87.24%) and in associated culture (12.76%). The main production constraints are essentially the high cost of inputs, lack of water, diseases and insect pests, soil fertility, lack of mastery of the technical itinerary, the low cost of selling products.
In order to make the sector more efficient, it is necessary to take into account the above-mentioned constraints by the various actors.


Capsicum spp, chilli, endogenous cropping systems
