Détails Publication
Nutritional and phytochemical characterization of the “Folou” or “Flado” varietal group of yams belonging to the species D. alata in Burkina Faso.,
Auteur(s): Sory Siédou, Sama Hemayoro, Sakandé Boureima, Ouedraogo Nicolas, Tiama Djakaridja and Traoré Renan Ernest
Auteur(s) tagués: SAMA Hemayoro
Renseignée par : SAMA Hemayoro

Yam forms the basis of the diet of many African countries, as it is an important source of carbohydrates and other nutrients. In Burkina Faso, various yam cultivars are grown. However, data on their biochemical characteristics and nutritional value are not known, which strongly limits their use in breeding and varietal improvement programs. This study aims to characterize the nutritional and antioxidant potential of 5 genotype of yams belonging to the Folou or Flado peasant varietal group grown in Burkina Faso. The parameters evaluated were: starch, proteins, soluble sugars, total phenolic compounds, flavonoids and antioxidant capacity, assessed by the ferric antioxidant power reduction (FRAP) and 2,2-diphenyl-1 methods. -picrylhydrazyl (DPPH). The results indicate that yam tubers from the Flado or Folou varietal group are a good source of nutritional and bioactive compounds. Total phenolic content ranged from 4.076 to 345.403mg GAE/100g dry weight, flavonoids from 0.399 to 34.679mg quercetin equivalent (QE)/100g dry weight, starch content from 1.641 to 10.137mg 100 mg dw, proteins from 51.828 to 115.723 mg/100 mg dw and soluble sugars from 0.071 to 2.528 mg/100 mg dw. The antioxidant activities ranged from 3.158 to 75.542% for the ability to reduce DPPH and from 9.875 to 31.440 mg AAE/100g dw for the ability to reduce iron (FRAP). These variations allowed us to distinguish three chemo types. This work will be an essential contribution to the conservation, management, promotion and effective use of yam genetic resources in Burkina Faso.


Diocorea, Flado, Folou, varietal group
