Détails Publication
Experimental Measurement of Minority Carriers Effective Lifetime in Silicon Solar Cell Using Open Circuit Voltage Decay under Magnetic Field in Transient Mode,
Lien de l'article: 10.4236/sgre.2020.1111011
Auteur(s): Alain Diasso, Raguilignaba Sam, Bernard Zouma, François Zougmoré
Auteur(s) tagués: ZOUMA Bernard
Renseignée par : ZOUMA Bernard

This manuscript presents a simple method for excess minority carriers’ lifetime measurement within the base region of p-n junction polycrystalline solar cell in transient mode. This work is an experimental transient 3-Dimensionnal study. The magnitude of the magnetic field B is varied from 0 mT to 0.045 mT. Indeed, the solar cell is illuminated by a stroboscopic flash with air mass 1.5 and under magnetic field in transient state. The experimental details are assumed in a figure. The procedure is outlined by the Open Circuit Voltage Decay analysis. Effective minority carrier life-time is calculated by fitting the linear zone of the transient voltage decay curve because linear decay is an ideal decay. The kaleidagraph software permits access to the slope of the curve which is inversely proportional to the lifetime. The external magnetic effects on minority carriers’ effective lifetime is then presented and analyzed. The analysis shows that the charge carrier’s effective lifetime decrease with the magnetic field increase.


Carrier Lifetime, Fitting, Magnetic Field
