Détails Publication
Capacity needs assessment and challenges for multisectoral implementation of nutrition in Burkina Faso: A guide for the formulation of a capacity development plan,
Auteur(s): Dieudonné Diasso, Maimouna Halidou Doudou, Sarah Cruz, Florence Tonnoir, Diarra Compaoré-Sérémé, Urbain Zongo, Aly Savadogo
Auteur(s) tagués: SAVADOGO Aly
Renseignée par : SAVADOGO Aly

Achieving nutritional goals depends on individual, organisational and environmental capacities. The aim of this study was to analyse and identify capacity gaps among the coordination platforms and networks, and the key technical institutions related to nutrition in Burkina Faso for a capacity development plan formulation.
Using the new Nutrition Capacity Framework developed by the United Nations Network, information were collected using the Nutrition Stakeholder Mapping and Analysis tool, and the Checklist for Capacity Areas. Capacity needs were analysed in terms of Human resource and infrastructure, functional, organisational, coordination and partnership, and financial and resource mobilisation.
Limited human resource capacity in nutrition was highlighted in most cases by the structures, and the nutrition coordination structure and more than 4/5 of the technical structures are faced with the unavailability of working materials, tools and basic Internet connection. Only 10 among the 30 structures have a unit or service for exchange on nutrition, and only three of them have integrated nutrition actions. Shortfalls were noted in terms of functional, facilitation, communication and advocacy skills, as well as a weak diversification of resource mobilisation strategies.
The use of the analytical framework helped to identify the gaps and to propose paths for capacity development. Efforts need to be strengthened, intensified, coordinated, monitored, evaluated and funded.


multisectoral implementation, nutrition, guide, development plan, Burkina Faso
