Détails Publication
VIRALITY OF EVIL philosophie in the time of pandemic Edited by Dyvia Dwivedi,
Discipline: Philosophie, morale et religion
Auteur(s): Dyvia Dwivedi, Gomdaogo Pierre Nakoulima; Jean Luc Nancy, AÏdas Sanogo, etc
Auteur(s) tagués:
NAKOULIMA Gomdaogo Pierre
Renseignée par : NAKOULIMA Gomdaogo Pierre
Nearly two years on, the experiences and trajectoire of pandemic across the world have confirmed that it has been in the graspof systemic malaise. Everywhere evil is a viral condition. In the etymological sens of a poison and in the media-theoretical sense, in itsuncontrolable spread, of a contagion. It is a collective meditation.
evil, urgency