Détails Publication
Genome-wide association study of trypanosome prevalence and morphometric traits in purebred and crossbred Baoulé cattle of Burkina Faso,
Auteur(s): Bernadette Yougbaré, Albert Soudré, Dominique Ouédraogo, Bienvenue L. Zoma, Arnaud S. R. Tapsoba, Moumouni Sanou, Salifou Ouédraogo-Koné, Pamela A. Burger, Maria Wurzinger, Negar Khayatzadeh, Hamidou H. Tamboura, Okeyo Ally Mwai, Amadou Traoré, Johann Sölkner, Gábor Mészàros
Auteur(s) tagués: OUEDRAOGO Dominique
Renseignée par : OUEDRAOGO Dominique

Genome-wide association study of trypanosome prevalence and morphometric traits in purebred and crossbred Baoulé cattle of Burkina Faso
Résumé de l'article : In this study, single-SNP GWAS analyses were conducted to find regions affecting toler- ance against trypanosomosis and morphometrics traits in purebred and crossbred Baoule ́ cattle of Burkina Faso. The trypanosomosis status (positive and negative) and a wide set of morphological traits were recorded for purebred Baoule ́ and crossbred Zebu x Baoule ́ cattle, and genotyped with the Illumina Bovine SNP50 BeadChip. After quality control, 36,203 SNPs and 619 animals including 343 purebred Baoule ́ and 279 crossbreds were used for the GWAS analyses. Several important genes were found that can influence morphological parameters. Although there were no genes identified with a reported strong connection to size traits, many of them were previously identified in various growth-related studies. A re- occurring theme for the genes residing in the regions identified by the most significant SNPs was pleiotropic effect on growth of the body and the cardiovascular system. Regarding try- panosomosis tolerance, two potentially important regions were identified in purebred Baoule ́ on chromosomes 16 and 24, containing the CFH, CRBN, TRNT1 and, IL5RA genes, and one additional genomic region in Baoule ́ , x Zebu crossbreds on chromosome 5, containing MGAT4C and NTS. Almost all of these regions and genes were previously related to the trait of interest, while the CRBN gene was to our knowledge presented in the context of try- panosomiasis tolerance for the first time.


GWAS, Trypanosome prevalence, Trypanosome resistance, Candidate gene, Morphological traits
