In this work, we study the existence and regularity of solutions for some second order dierential equations with innite delay in Banach spaces. We suppose that the undelayed part admits a cosine operator in the sense given
by Da Prato and Giusi, [ G. Da Prato and E. Giusi, Una caratterizzazione dei generatori di funzioni coseno astratte, Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana, 22, 357-362, (1967)]. The delayed part is assumed to be locally Lipschitz.
Firstly, we show the existence of the mild solutions. Results are obtained by using Schauder and Banach-Piccard xed point theorems. We also prove that the mild solution continuously depends on initial data. Secondly, we give suf-
cient conditions ensuring the existence of strict solutions. Last section is devoted to an application.