Détails Publication
Ossifying fibroma of the jawbones: Epidemiology and management in the Yalgado ouedrago university hospital,
Auteur(s): Motandi Idani*, Mathieu Millogo, Soutongnoma Ahmed Patrick Badini, Bevianda Vincent Ili, Adama Zango, Gilbert Nongkouni, Tarcissus Konsem
Renseignée par : IDANI Motandi

Introduction: The ossifying fibroma is a rare benign non-odontogenic tumor, with a desmodontal origin, made of
fibrous tissue and bone and/or cementum elements. It is most often discovered fortuitously in developed
countries and is diagnosed during functional complaints in our context. The aim of this study is to report
epidemiology and management modalities of ossifying fibroma in a context marked by the modicity of technical
platforms and the absence of social security coverage.
Material and method: This work is transversal and descriptive with a retrospective data collection on a period of
10 years, from April 1, 2010 to March 31, 2020.
Results: We collected 37 cases of ossifying fibromas, i.e. 2.82% of all tumors treated in the department. The sex
ratio was 0.42, the mean age was 32.03 and the maxillary swelling as a reason of consultation was reported in
97.3%. In 59.46%, the location was mandibular, the treatment was conservative in 75.68% with a recurrence
rate of 5.4%.
Discussion: Consultation and early diagnosis of benign tumors remain a challenge in our context because of the
ignorance and poverty of the population. The fight against poverty and education of the population to early
consultation are therefore an imperative.


Ossifying fibroma, Jawbones, Management
