Détails Publication
Growth, and Stock Status Assessment of African Catfish, Clarias anguillaris (Linnaeus, 1758) from Burkina Faso Newly Man-Made Lake Samandeni,
Auteur(s): Nomwine Da, Raymond Ouedraogo, Adama Oueda
Auteur(s) tagués: OUEDA Adama
Renseignée par : OUEDA Adama

The Samandeni reservoir in Burkina Faso, impounded in 2017, hosts a significant diversity of fish, including the Clariidae family. The fish stocks have been exploited since 2019, when the reservoir was opened to fishermen. However, no assessment of the status of these stocks has been conducted. The present study focused on the dynamics of Clarias anguillaris exploitation in order to have reliable information that can contribute to the planning of its sustainable exploitation. Length-frequency data on 323 individuals were sampled from commercial catches from March 2021 to February 2022. The growth parameters were determined using ELEFAN method and the stock assessment was done using the Bayesian Length-Based Biomass (LBB) method. The growth analysis showed isometry for both male and female fishes with allometric coefficient value of 3.03, 3.01 and 3.17 respectively for mixed sexes, male and female. Estimates values (0.6 and 0.4) of the growth oscillation intensity indicate the existence of seasonal growth. The relative biomass (B/B0) estimated for C. anguillaris was less than the relative biomass that produces the maximum sustainable yield (BMSY/B0) indicating biomass overfishing. In addition, the length at first capture was less than the optimal length at first capture indicating a growth overfishing status. Therefore, it would be desirable to increase the mesh size of the fishing gear so that juveniles are not caught, which will ensure an ecological sustainability of the exploitation of the Clariidae.


Growth, Stock Status, Clarias anguillaris, Samandeni Reservoir, Burkina Faso
