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Evaluation of the agricultural practices and impacts of chemical inputs on the rapid rotting of vegetables of LactuCa sativa L. (lettuce) in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso),
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Auteur(s): SANOU Yacouba
Auteur(s) tagués: SANOU Yacouba
Renseignée par : SANOU Yacouba

In Burkina Faso, chemical inputs are used widely in market gardening to increase the yields in the production of vegetables. Most of time, the use of these chemicals causes contamination of market garden products, leading to the rapid rotting of these vegetables. The objective of this study was to help in determination of the chemical inputs impacts on the rapid rotting of vegetables in the Ouagadougou city. In this context, surveys were carried out among vegetable producers (Tanghin, Boulmiougou and Kossodo) and vegetable sellers in Balkuy. Results allowed us to make an inventory of chemical inputs used in vegetable production areas as well as the applied doses, the method of application and the Time Before Harvest on the one hand, and on the other hand to evaluate the impact of the dose, the mode of application and the Time Before Harvest of chemical inputs by market gardeners on vegetables. In addition, most of producers (47.5%) used the mixture NPK, urea and manure in order to increase their production. Moreover, most of pesticides used were toxicity II and mainly insecticide, herbicide and fungicide. In this regard, the educational level was responsible of the bad practices in vegetables production and this highly contributed to the rapid rotting of our vegetables which generates economic and social losses for the country.

