Détails Publication
Accelerating Environmental Research to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals,
Auteur(s): MIHELCIC James R., BARRA Ricardo O., BROOKS Bryan W., DIAMOND Miriam L., ECKELMAN Matthew J., GIBSON Jacqueline MacDonald, GUIDOTTI Sunny, IKEDA-ARAKI Atsuko, KUMAR Manish, MAIGA Ynoussa, McCONVILLE Jennifer, MILLER Shelly L., PIZARRO Valeria, ROSARIO-ORTIZ Fernando, WANG Shuxiao and ZIMMERMAN Julie B.
Auteur(s) tagués: MAIGA Ynoussa
Renseignée par : MAIGA Ynoussa

Following the recent call for papers, this new special issue, ‘Accelerating Environmental Research to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals’, showcases some of the very latest advances in research working to achieve progress toward the SDG goals. These new articles describe significant scientific advances in the broad field of environmental science and technology that encompass the following areas: Occurrence, Fate, and Transport of Aquatic and Terrestrial Contaminants; Sustainable Systems; Physico-Chemical Treatment and Resource Recovery; Ecotoxicology and Public Health; Bioremediation and Biotechnology; Energy and Climate; Data Science; and Policy Analysis. The research covers advances toward multiple SDGs, specifically (3) Good-Health and Well-Being, (6) Clean Water and Sanitation, (7) Affordable and Clean Energy, (11) Sustainable Cities and Communities, (12) Responsible Consumption and Production, (13) Climate Action, (14) Life Below Water, and (15) Life on Land. We also have articles that support achievement of (5) Gender Equality, (10) Reduce Inequalities, and (17) Partnerships for the Goals.


Environmental Research, Sustainable development, SDGs
