Détails Publication
Modelling Study of Magnetic Field’s Effects on Solar Cell’s Transient Decay,
Lien de l'article: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/wjcmp.2015.54029
Discipline: Sciences physiques
Auteur(s): Senghane Mbodji, Martial Zoungrana, Issa Zerbo, Biram Dieng, Gregoire Sissoko
Auteur(s) tagués:
ZERBO Issa ;
Renseignée par : ZERBO Issa
Experimental setup of transient decay which occurs between two steady state operating points is recalled. The continuity equation is resolved using both the junction dynamic velocity (Sf) and back side recombination velocity (Sb). The transient excess minority carriers density appears as the sum of infinite terms. Influence of magnetic field on the transient excess minority carriers density and transient photo voltage is studied and it is demonstrated that the use of this technique is valid only when the magnetic field is lower than 0.001 T.
Solar Cell, Recombination Parameters, Magnetic Field