Détails Publication
Traçage de la courbe granulométrique et la détermination des coefficients de Hazen par la méthode analytique,
Auteur(s): GOUBA Bernard
Auteur(s) tagués: GOUBA Bernard
Renseignée par : GOUBA Bernard

Sand and gravel make up the granular skeleton in concrete. They contribute to the resistance of concrete structures. They are able to support higher loads or allow more slender constructions. The aggregates can also present varieties of diameter and making it possible to carry out more resistant works. In the laboratory we carried out the sieving on a sample of sands and a sample of gravel then trace the granulometric curve and determine the coefficients of Hazen by the analytical method. These results allowed us to compare the analytical method with the so-called graphical method. This choice was guided by a concern to popularize the study of particle size analysis on the one hand and to give an effective and practical means to the operators of the results of particle size analysis on the other hand. The results of our study show that the use of the analytical method for the particle size analysis test gives much more precise and reliable results than the graphical method.


aggregate1; particle size curve 2; Hazen coefficient 3; fineness modulus 4; analytical method; graphic method 5.
