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Troubles métaboliques et facteurs de risques cardiovasculaires chez les patients infectés par le VIH sous antirétroviraux au Burkina-Faso,
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Auteur(s): Bognounou R, Diendéré A, Diallo I, Tieno H, Guira O, Ouedraogo DD, Drabo YJ
Renseignée par : BOGNOUNOU René

􀀡􀀢􀀳􀀴􀀲􀀡􀀣􀀴􀀀􀁳 The purpose of this descriptive transverse study is to describe
metabolic disorders and cardiovascular risk factors in HIV-infected
patients undergoing antiretroviral therapy in the day-care unit of the University
Hospital of Ouagadougou, Burkina-Faso. A total of 100 patients
(Burkinavi cohort) undergoing antiretroviral therapy with a minimum
of 42-months of follow-up (October 2005 to Mars 2009) were included.
There were 77 females and 33 males with a mean age of 37 years. Most
patients, i.e., 95%, were positive for HIV1. Mean body mass index was
22 kg/m2. Mean CD4 count was 280/mm3. Viral load was undetectable in
66 of the 71 patients who underwent viral load testing. Retroviral therapy
consisted of the TriomuneR combination (Stavudine + lamivudine + névirapine)
at a fixed dose in 27 cases. Cardiovascular risk factors included
family history of high arterial blood pressure in 5 patients, smoking in 4,
and obesity in 8. During follow-up, seven patients presented hypertension.
Metabolic disorders included hyperglycemia (4%), hypertriglyceridemia
(17%) and hypercholesterolemia (14%). Lipodystrophia was noted for 6
patients. Despite the short follow-up period, metabolic disorders and cardiovascular
risk factors were observed at our patients under antiretroviral
􀀫􀀥􀀹􀀀􀀷􀀯􀀲􀀤􀀳􀀀􀁳 Antiretroviral. Metabolic disorders. Cardiovascular-
Burkina Faso.


Antiretroviral. Metabolic disorders. Cardiovascular- Burkina Faso.
