Détails Publication
Organic fertilizers and water stress effects on seed viability and plant growth of Artemisia annua L. in Burkina
Lien de l'article: https://doi.org//0.35248/0970-1907.23.40.772-778
Discipline: Sciences biologiques
Auteur(s): Adama Pascal Kihindo, Nerbéwendé Sawadogo, Edmond Dondasse, Ahmed Traore, Gerard Zombre
Auteur(s) tagués:
SAWADOGO Nerbéwendé
Renseignée par : SAWADOGO Nerbéwendé
Artemisia annua L. is an annual plant originary from China and mainly cultivated for its antimalarial properties. The present study aims to promote the efficient production of aerial biomass and viable seeds of the species.
Artemisia annua plants were evaluated in a factorial block with three replications under two factors. This is water stress with three modalities (unstressed, stressed during vegetative stage, stressed during flowering stage) and organic fertilizer with also three levels (no fertilizer, compost, fertile soil). The results showed that unstressed plants fertilized with fertile soil significantly produced (p
Artemisia annua, Biomass, fertilization, Abiotic stress