Détails Publication
Geochemistry and geodynamic constraint of volcanic and plutonic magmatism within the Banfora Belt (Burkina-Faso, West-Africa): contribution to Mineral Exploration.,
Auteur(s): Herman Ilboudo, Sâga Sawadogo, G. Hubert Zongo, Séta Naba, Urbain Wenmenga, Martin Lompo
Renseignée par : SAWADOGO Sâga

Predominant volcano-plutonic (mafic–felsic) activity is expressed in the eastern Banfora Belt. The geochemical signature shows different geodynamic settings: (1) mafic rocks are tholeiitic, subalkaline and show high-Mg tendency, whereas pyroxenolite (MgO c. 15.4 wt%) has komatiite affinity; (2) felsic volcanic rocks are subalkaline; and (3) granitoids surrounding the Banfora Belt are alkaline to calc-alkaline, high K, peraluminous to metaluminous. The geochemistry of mafic volcanic rocks shows an unusual evolution from Mid Oceanic Ridge Basalt to Arc-related. The Western Granite and Eastern Granites were emplaced by fractional crystallization and partial melting, respectively, but sourced from igneous protolith (I-type magma) in a volcanic arc setting. The Sodingue granite was emplaced by fractional crystallization from A-type magma in a ‘within-plate setting’. Two-mica S-type granites located at the central portion of the belt relate to syn-collisional fractional crystallization. The paper highlights the complexity of the magma process through a diversity of sources, geochemical patterns and tectonic settings. An emphasis on the komatiite affinity of mafic magma is a challenge for related commodities, such as copper and gold resources.

