Détails Publication
Mobility and Decoherence of Bipolaron in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides Pseudodot Quantum Qubit,
Auteur(s): C. Kenfack-Sadem, J. V. Nguepnang, S. Nse Biyoghe, N. Addison, V. D. Bokoyo Barandja, Issa Zerbo
Auteur(s) tagués: ZERBO Issa
Renseignée par : ZERBO Issa

In this work, we investigated the mobility and decoherence of bipolaron in transition metal dichalcogenides pseudodot quantum qubit using the Huybrecht method. We investigated the mobility of the bipolaron and the ground and first excited state energies and highlighted that the qubit can be formed in superposition state of the system. The decoherence of this qubit is observed throughout the spontaneous emission of the phonon. Transition frequency, density probability and Shannon entropy are evaluated in order to characterize the decoherence phenomenon. We found that the chemical potential of the two-dimensional electron gas increases the mobility and the transition frequency but decreases the decoherence time. It is also seen that the zero point of the pseudo-harmonic potential decreases the mobility and the transition frequency and increases the decoherence time, thus decreasing the zero point of pseudo-harmonic potential resulting to large transition frequency, which destroys the decoherence. We found that bipolaron moves more freely in WS2 monolayer. We also found that the chemical potential of the two- dimensional electron gas and the zero point of the pseudo-harmonic potential are useful to information transfer, to destroy decoherence of bipolaron state and also permit to control the state of the system.


Polaron  Transition metal dichalcogenides  Qubit  Bipolaron
